Spiritual philosophy with no attention to the science of physical reality will lead to fantasy, escapism, and impractical ideas; Science of physical reality with no attention to spiritual philosophy will lead to mammonist, materialistic nihilism. We should seek to find a balance with thought, word, and deed, leading to a balanced society. To be a…
Author: logoilibrary
Think about your thoughts
“Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception.” — Jacques Vallee How much do you “Know Thyself.” Do you know what thoughts are your thoughts? Do you know which impulses are your impulses? Do you…
The Parasite Pill
So I can began writing about the influence of non-physical intelligences and got sidetracked by the physical parasite issue and figured I would discuss these physical parasites before getting into non-physical intelligences. Though these things are connected in many ways they are also different. Ever wonder why there was such controversy over anti-parasite medicine Ivermectin…
The Crown PsyOp
Could this be a distraction for something much bigger coming soon? Could it be a economic reset- as our fiat system is based on debt and everyone has maxed out? Could it be a coup? A changing of the guard? A coup within a coup? A war on human nature pushing towards a trans-humanist/ technocratic…
Daily Meditations and Practices
These are the meditations and practices I do daily. Maybe you can use some or all of these to help you along the way of your own path. I will first list all the practices I use daily, then the ones I use intermittently through the week. I will then give a short explanation of…
Robots & Hylics & NPCs, Oh My!
Robot, Hylic, Somatic, NPC, Soulless Vessel, Organic Portal, Dero, Android, Automaton, Host, Cyborg, Agent Smith, Replicant-All terms for the same thing, more or less. A human looking entity that does not have a soul or essence. Some common characteristics include: They usually lack free will either completely, or in some aspects Lack creativity or cannot…
Theories & Musings of an Alternative History
Main Theory: By observing ancient buildings/ architecture and comparing it to the ‘official, mainstream, historical narrative’ of the supposed technology and living conditions at the time; they are not logically or rationally congruent with the advance degree of architectural engineering and craftsmanship we see in a large number of ancient structures found around this realm….
Hermetic Genesis
“It began before the beginning. The vast sea of Light was in a state of perfect unity, without edge, without boundary, and without division. This was the “clear light” of Buddha/Kristos consciousness and the Ain Soph Aur (“Light without end”) of Kabbalah. There was no possible idea of striving for and attaining anything, since all…
Logos & Logoi
This post discusses and compiles a variety of interpretations on the Logos/ Logoi. Logoi could be taken as the plural form of Logos, or a sub-system of the Logos. Metaphorically, if the Logos was a tree the Logoi would be the branches. Logos and Logoi are concepts that should be contemplated on and are important…
Orb Initiation
“Perhaps the final secret of the Illuminati is that you don’t know you’re a member until it’s too late to get out.”- Robert Anton Wilson It’s the early 1990’s I am around 5 years old. My family and I are ‘camping’ (sleeping in tents) on a small river head about 200 yards from our home….