Spiritual philosophy with no attention to the science of physical reality will lead to fantasy, escapism, and impractical ideas; Science of physical reality with no attention to spiritual philosophy will lead to mammonist, materialistic nihilism. We should seek to find a balance with thought, word, and deed, leading to a balanced society. To be a balanced individual means we take time to observe the processes of nature as well as the patterns of one's thoughts, feelings, dreams, emotions, etc.; seeking to synthesize our observations of the physical, natural world with our spiritual-psyche. Can you see how ebbs and flows, the ever changing yet stagnant fractal patterns, that brings seasons that act more like a circle than a linear line can be related to your life?
Instead of viewing nature as separate from humanity, we can try to see the interconnectedness and strive to be in harmony with Nature. Patterns and perception of patterns require consciousness and some type of intelligence. If nature can create things based on repeating patterns, then it can be logically deduced that nature is intelligent; maybe not in a way that we can comprehend, but intelligent nonetheless. With this expanded perception we can begin to better appreciate and understand the intelligence of nature as patterns based on math and symmetry require intelligence. Of course this intelligence is much different than human intelligence, but nonetheless functions within and beyond our understanding.
“Our very name for God's Creation is NATURE, for that is what Nature is. I shall define Nature for you in simple words. Nature is an electric wave thought image of God's nature, electrically projected from His formless and unconditioned ONE LIGHT into countless many forms of conditioned light which we call matter.”
Some of the renowned scientists that incorporated nature and spirituality into their work and what this writing is about include: Walter Russell, Victor Schauberg, Masaru Emoto, Hans Jenny, and Terence Kemp McKenna
Walter Russell

From his book Secret of Light “Man lives in a bewildering complex world of EFFECT of which he knows not the CAUSE. Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, he fails to vision the simple underlying principle of Balance in all things. He, therefore, complexes Truth until its many angles, sides and facets have lost balance with each other and with him. Truth is simple. Balance is simple. Rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of opposite expressions in Natural phenomena, and in human relations, is the consummate art of God’s universe of Light. It is also the Law. In this one fundamental Universal Law lies the balanced continuity of all creative expression in God’s electric wave universe of two conditioned lights in THE ETERNAL QUESTION seeming motion which record God’s One Whole Idea of Creation into countless seemingly separate parts of that Whole Idea.” Russell was an impressionist American mystic, author, painter, and sculptor. In 1921, at the age of 49, Walter Russell experienced his Illumination into the Light of Cosmic Consciousness during a 39 day and night period. He posited that “To know the mechanics of the wave, is to know the entire secret of Nature”; that the physical and spiritual was founded on a unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. In 1927, Walter Russell published The Universal One, his first attempt to explain the Cosmic Laws for the established science community. He expanded on it for another 20 years, resulting in The Secret of Light, which he published in 1947 and The Message of the Divine Iliad 1949.
Law of rhythmic interchange” “The Law of Balance is the Law of Love upon which the universe is founded. This law is given to man for his coming renaissance of greater comprehension. It is, of all laws, the most inclusive and the most simple. It consists of three words: RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE. These three words are the very foundation of all our material existence, all phenomena of matter or interchange between humans, economically, socially and spiritually. Your whole purpose in life is to comprehend that law. You cannot fulfill God’s law unless you do comprehend it. You cannot comprehend it unless you desire to comprehend it. You cannot fulfill your desire to command the law to work WITH you until you manifest your desire through action. There is no other way for you to command God’s law to fulfill your desire than through the action of GIVING. The only lesson of your life is to learn how to GIVE.”
“I therefore say to you that tiredness and fatigue are effects caused by ignorance of Nature and disobedience to her inexorable law. You may command Nature to the extent only in which you are willing to obey her. You cannot intelligently obey that which you do not comprehend. Therefore I also say, ask of Nature that you may be one with her and she will whisper her secrets to you to the extent in which you are prepared to listen. Seek to be alone much to commune with Nature and be thus inspired by her mighty whisperings within your consciousness. Nature is a most jealous god, for she will not whisper her inspiring revelations to you unless you are absolutely alone with her.”
“I will see beauty and goodness in all things. From all that is unlovely shall my vision be immune. Beauty is perfection of rhythm, balanced perfection of rhythm. Everything in Nature is expressed by rhythmic waves of light. Every thought and action is a light-wave of thought and action. If one interprets the God within one, one’s thoughts and actions must be balanced rhythmic waves. Ugliness, fears, failures and diseases arise from unbalanced thoughts and actions. Therefore think beauty always if one desire vitality of body and happiness.”
Russell's Periodic Table: On Russell's chart of the elements, the elements are organized into octaves, being placed along a continuous spectrum of increasing compression and resulting density and. The inert gasses act as the beginning and end of each octave. The chart organizes the elements in increasing order according to melting points and other characteristics until it reaches carbon. Carbon, placed in the center of the fourth octave, is seen to be the balance point for the full chart and the point of perfect stability. Elements up until carbon are, according to Russell, integrating or condensing until a maximum of pressure results in the formation of carbon. Elements past carbon on the chart are expanding or disintegrating leading to the phenomenon of radioactivity.
Russell heated the tubes, and put them into the magnetic field arrangement to cool down and from the evidence of lab results achieved transmutation of water into nitrogen. Russell stated that he achieved the transmutation of water into 17 different results where, “in every case the resultant gasses differed”. By these means, he was able to vary the amounts of transmuted hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Russell stated that by shifting the field arrangement and/or the polarity strengths he was able to prolate or oblate the oxygen nucleus into nitrogen or hydrogen and vice versa.
Viktor Schauberger
"Natural phenomena undisturbed by man point the way to the realization of a new technique. One needs a keen sense of observation. We must understand Nature before we can adapt its way of working to our needs." ~ Viktor Schauberger
"All motion consists of two components. One component serves inwardness (internalisation) and the other outwardness (dispersion). Both preconditions for motion regulate the eternal flow of metamorphosis (panta Rhei)." ~ Viktor Schauberger
Schauberger believed that by mimicking how water flows in Nature, we could harness its power without disrupting its delicate ecosystem. To achieve this goal, Schauberger developed a revolutionary vortex technology that creates implosion from water’s natural flow and movement. This implosion returns water to its natural state as a life-forming energetic process, preserving its vital properties for future generations. Viktor Schauberger, born on June 30, 1885, in Holzschlag, Austria. Schauberger had an exceptional understanding of the natural sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics despite not having access to formal education. Instead of studying in a classroom, he believed that the best way to learn about Nature was to immerse himself in it, leading to becoming a Forest Warden. water as a vital and living organism that plays a crucial role in the functioning of the earth. He considered water as the “Blood of Mother Earth” and believed that it existed and functioned according to the laws of Nature. According to him, the unique properties of water, such as its ability to sustain life, were dependent on its natural, self-organized, geometrical molecular equilibrium. This equilibrium, he believed, was essential for water to be of the highest quality. His belief stemmed that this type of water was living water, constantly in natural action and energy. In its natural environment, water flows in a continuous, cyclical pattern known as a vortex. This flow, water’s natural action, is characterized by swirling motions that are in constant motion, never settling or stopping. The ever-transforming flow of water in rivers and streams is crucial to prevent them from becoming stagnant. This constant flow enabled the water molecules to form a hexagonal shape. Again, this type of water is often referred to as structured water, today.
"The true foundation of all cultures is the knowledge and understanding of water."
After dedicating himself to introducing the world to living water and structured water, Viktor Schauberger shifted his attention to studying energy. Through extensive studies and experimentation, he eventually came to formulate the implosion theory. His theory posits that energy generated through explosive means, such as petrol engines and nuclear power plants, is harmful to the environment. Ultimately, destructive.
"You must learn to think one octave higher. Only then will you learn how implosion energy works." ~ Viktor Schauberger
Instead, he proposed a method of energy generation known as implosion, which is the opposite of explosion. Unlike explosions, implosion does not cause harm to the environment and instead increases the concentration of energy. This method of energy generation is seen in natural occurrences such as whirlpools and whirlwinds.
He observed many phenomena associated with the liquid vortex. These phenomena include: energy discharges such as halos, and ball type lightning; levitation - in which heavy egg shaped stones float on the top of a vortex; the production of virgin water or living water; the purification of polluted water; and the production of free energy. Schauberger developed egg shaped vortex reaction chambers, these chambers are called implosion chambers as the energy developed is centripetal rather than centrifugal. He maintained that centripetal energy is the basis of life whereas centrifugal energy is the basis of decay and destruction. In the same way that a hyperbola is a conic section, Schauberger reasoned that the perfect shape for a vortex chamber was an egg shape which is a cross section cut through the hyperboloid form of rotation developed from the square hyperbola. In other words, a cross sectional cut through the vortex throat. The evolution of the Schauberger egg is shown in the next diagram. The vortex spiral when viewed from above is a harmonic spiral first discovered by Kepler. This spiral is shown in the diagram. As it approaches the center from the outside, it decreases in size with each turn from unity on the outside to 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, etc
"Everything is governed by one law. A human being is a microcosmos, i.e. the laws prevailing in the cosmos also operate in the minutest space of the human being."― Viktor Schauberger
"The upholder of the cycles which sustain all Life is water. In every drop of water dwells a deity whom indeed we all serve. There also dwells Life, the soul of the primal substance - water - whose boundaries and banks are the capillaries that guide it, and in which it circulates. Every pulse beat arising through the interaction of will and resistance is indicative of creative work and urges us to care for those vessels, those primary and most vital structures, in which throbs the product of a dualistic power - Life"― Schauberger
Victor Shauberger also had a spiritually illuminating experience with water- “As time passed I began to play a game with water's secret powers. I surrendered my so-called free consciousness and allowed the water to take possession of it for a while. Little by little this game turned into a profoundly earnest endeavor, because I realized that one could detach one's own consciousness from the body and attach it to that of the water. When my own consciousness was eventually returned to me, then the water's most deeply concealed psyche often revealed the most extraordinary things to me. As a result of this investigation, a researcher was born who could dispatch his consciousness on a voyage of discovery, as it were. In this way I was able to experience things that had escaped other people's notice, because they were unaware that a human being is able to send forth his free consciousness into those places the eyes cannot see. By practicing this blindfolded vision, I eventually developed a bond with mysterious Nature, whose essential being I then slowly learnt to perceive and understand.” Along with merging his Mind with water, Shauberger would commonly trance write, going into a state of automatic writing for hours. In contrast to contemporary science, Viktor saw will and spirit as the principal causative forces of physical existence. They deploy themselves through the agency of various lower orders and magnitudes of energy belonging to the fourth and fifth dimensions, i.e., through those more subtle, non-spatial dimensions of being that are inherent but are not perceived in the three-dimensional world to which we are accustomed. Of ethereal nature and endowed with very high frequencies and formative potencies, they could also be termed "potentialities", which, in their extremely sensitive and unstable state of energetic equilibrium, await the right stimulus and occasion to manifest themselves.
Also similarly to Walter Russell, Shauberger believed in the law of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange- “Nature is not served by rigid laws, but by rhythmical, reciprocal processes. Nature uses none of the preconditions of the chemist or the physicist for the purposes of evolution. Nature excludes all fire on principle for purposes of growth; therefore all contemporary machines are unnatural and constructed according to false premises. Nature avails herself of the biodynamic form of motion through which the biological prerequisite for the emergence of life is provided. Its purpose is to procreate 'higher' conditions of matter out of the originally inferior raw materials, which affords the evolutionally older or the numerically greater rising generation the possibility of a constant capacity to evolve, for without any growing and increasing reserves of energy there would be no evolution or development. This results first and foremost in the col-lapse of the so-called Law of the Conservation of Energy, and, in further consequence, the Law of Gravity and all other dogmatics lose any rational or practical basis.”
Water is Life, within and without, separating the heavens and the earth, dividing earth from abyss. The divine substance of all, in all. What if water can store information in the form of vibration?
Masaru Emoto
“Water records information, and while circulating throughout the earth distributes information. This water sent from the universe is full of the information of life...” ― Masaru Emoto
“In his various books, the first of which was published in 1999, Dr. Emoto, a doctor of Alternative Medicine, introduced the novel idea that water not only reflects the physical word around it (as when we use a placid lake or pond as a mirror), but it also reflects the consciousness of the being surrounding it. The experiment he used to discover this included bottles filled with water, that were set under either a positive or a negative influence. For example, some bottles of water were wrapped with written notes, with the writing facing inside the bottle that said, “thank you.” This was done in various languages. No matter what language was used, the water in these bottles, when frozen, created complete crystals that were lovely to behold. Water over which a priest prayed, with love and gratitude, created the same type of crystals. Conversely, unpleasant, incomplete, and malformed crystals were created in water exposed to people saying or writing, “You fool,” or other negative expressions. By exposing water to a particular word or piece of music, freezing it, and photographing the ice crystals formed, Dr. Emoto has shown that from beautiful words and music, come beautiful crystals, and from mean-spirited, negative words, come malformed and misshapen crystals. What is the significance? It becomes clear when we remember that the adult human body is approximately 70% water and infant bodies are about 90% water. We can be hurt emotionally and, as the water can be changed, for the worse physically by negativity. However, we are always closer to beauty when surrounded by positive thoughts, words, intentions and ultimately those vibrations”
“I believe my research validates the idea that water hold and transmits information. I believe that the more we properly understand water, the more we can expand our consciousness into other dimensions. For me personally, this validation has been invaluable because to be honest I could not sense the invisible world through my own sensibilities. When people would speak of the inner world of our psychology, I would wonder if that was even possible. But through this validation, seeing how our thoughts affect water, I no longer doubt this.” – Masaru Emoto
This can also be demonstrated to a lesser degree by the double-slit experiment, in which photons (light), will change from a waveform if unobserved to particles if observed. Meaning that if we observe something reality/light itself will change.
So if just through observation we have the power to change photons, the essence of physical reality, then what can intentional willpower do?
Science also accepts the placebo effect:
If we believe and put intention behind a thought we can literally heal ourselves. Then obviously Masaru Emoto’s experiments follow the logical sequential progression; being words with intention, will change the structure of water itself. If society fully comprehended the power of what this meant, most human ills could be solved overnight; instead we let our thoughts, words, and deeds be manipulated by those that do understand this and care to serve their ego and temporal power, but I digress.
Your thoughts shape physical reality. Your words shape physical reality. Obviously your deeds shape physical reality. Make sure you are in control of them.
“No one particular religion has been able to secure the exclusive rights for the power of prayer. No matter who you are, we all have the ability to take advantage of this amazing and wonderful power. Once you realize this, you will then be filled with the desire to help others realize this as well. More and more people are resonating with this understanding, and this could result in a more wonderful future for mankind.” ― Masaru Emoto
When we look at Masaru Emoto’s work it is evident that the molecules that were given ‘positive vibrations’ via an observer's thoughts/ willpower crystallized into symmetrical, fractal based patterns. The next scientist we will discuss explored the field of cymatics which “Typically the surface of a plate, areas are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid.[1] Different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency.” This is not a theoretical ideal, but an easily provable phenomena. Now if we are to take the fact that vibration/frequency can create a symmetrical pattern…
“A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos. Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. Fractal patterns are extremely familiar, since nature is full of fractals. For instance: trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes, etc. Abstract fractals – such as the Mandelbrot Set – can be generated by a computer calculating a simple equation over and over. “-fractalfoundation.org
“We are all a part of one single unfurling Fractal reality”
Is reality a fractal? Is everything part of the same pattern? Is our consciousness/mind patterned after a fractal? Are you the pattern or the equation?
There is no doubt nature uses fractal patterns in many ways. If patterns require intelligence, do fractals prove nature is intelligent? Or is it the best way to conserve energy? Then again wouldn’t intelligence be required to know how to conserve energy?“What you are basically, deep, deep down, far, far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself.” – Alan Watts
The Fractal Nature of Reality By Joanna Hunter
“We are all a part of one single unfurling Fractal reality. Life is about floating on the seas of turbulence, drifting on the eddies and currents, flowing, and along the way, learning: whatever that may look like for each of us currently experiencing a mortal life. Each of us (the animate and inanimate, the sentient and the purely material) is part of one inconceivably large, unfurling fractal entity that constitutes everything, and when taken as a whole is the equivalent of what some may call “God”.
This entity does not exist within some surrounding vacuum but rather twists and folds back on itself so that it is boundless. The concept of “nothing” is therefore a logical fallacy, an impossibility. We, as parts of this great unfurling fractal cosmic entity, are eternal, though the notion and form of “I” is temporary and in fact the “all” we are participating in exists outside of time. We are part of this great unfurling fractal cosmic entity.”
A System Governed by Flow Dynamics
“The whole system of our universe is essentially governed by flow dynamics or the physics of turbulence. Turbulent systems are characterized by the eddies, currents and vortices of “flow”. Vortices are self-sustaining energy structures that occur everywhere naturally. They exist at the core of the Möbius torus shape.
If you think about almost any life form, you can see it is a variant of the Möbius torus and fractal dynamics. Equally, all life forms are holarchies of many lower level Möbius tori. E.g. apple seed, apple tree, apple. All are expressions of Möbius tori.
Atom, blood cell, human body, brain, womb, heart, lungs, eye: derivations of Möbius tori and fractal mathematics. Temporary, self-sustaining physical manifestations of vortices in the flow dynamics of the enormous unfurling cosmic fractal everything.”
If reality is a fractal let us solve the equation and make a beautiful pattern. The next scientist tried to do just that.
Hans Jenny
“Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, was pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). Dr. Jenny's cymatic images are truly awe-inspiring, not only for their visual beauty in portraying the inherent responsiveness of matter to sound (vibration) but because they inspire a deep recognition that we, too, are part and parcel of this same complex and intricate vibrational matrix - the music of the spheres!” Jenys work illuminates the very principles which inspired the ancient Greek philosophers Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Plato, and cosmologists Giordano Bruno and Johannes Kepler. Hans Jenny was a Renaissance man - medical doctor, painter, pianist, scientist and researcher - whose grasp of the history of science and philosophy gave him a vast perspective. He taught science at the Rudolf Steiner School in Zurich before beginning his practice as a family physician in Dornach, and was a life-long student of Anthroposophy. As a natural scientist, Dr. Jenny explored the diversity of life forms, always with an eye toward the wholeness of nature. His insight into unseen forces of nature lay in his ability to perceive the distinctive characteristics of the individual as well as it's archetypal form, while never loosing sight of the wholeness of the system which gives rise to both! Firmly rooted in phenomenology, he was, at the same time, on the leading edge of "systems thinking." For Jenny, Cymatics was no mere philosophical conjecture, but a way of life, or perhaps, a way into life. He was a true mystic, a seeker into the infinitude of Nature, questing for the realization of what it is to be truly human.”
“The more one studies these things, the more one realizes that sound is the creative principle. It must be regarded as primordial. No single phenomenal category can be claimed as the aboriginal principle. We cannot say, in the beginning was numbers or in the beginning was symmetry, etc. They are not themselves the creative power. This power is inherent in tone, in sound.“ -Hans Jenny
Centuries ago, the recognition of inherent vibrational patterns within the natural world found early documentation, notably in the writings of Galileo Galilei in 1632. In his "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems," Galileo recounted an intriguing encounter while cleaning a brass plate with a chisel. During this process, he observed not only a high whistling sound but also witnessed parallel streaks of brass particles that synchronized with the sound. Another significant contribution came in 1680 when the physicist and musician Robert Hooke explored nodal patterns formed by vibrating glass. Hooke experimented by creating repetitive designs on a flour-covered glass plate using a violin bow. Fast forward to the 18th century, and Ernst Chladni
introduced a technique in 1787 to visually represent the various modes of vibration on a rigid surface. Described in his book "Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klanges," this method involved drawing a bow across a plate or membrane (circular, square, or rectangular) lightly covered with sand. As the plate resonated at its natural frequencies, the sand would move and eventually settle at nodal points, creating intricate and visually captivating patterns. These patterns are now called Chladni figures.
Irwine Whitty explored the relationship between sound and geometric patterns using the harmonograph, a mechanical apparatus employing pendulums to generate intricate figures. Whitty, acknowledging the established works of Chladni, noted the connection between musical notes and regular air-pulses, emphasizing the well-known fact that pitch is determined by the frequency of these pulses. The figures are show below.
“If you spear a little of your imagination, as you watch this film as it runs, you will see many things that answers many questions, you will see living forms, living amoeba, almost animal like creatures. You will see continents being formed, the Earth itself coming to existence, explosions, eruptions, atomic explosions and bombs. You can see all this and watch it before your eyes. Everything owes it existence solely and completely to sound.”-Hans Jenny
Hans Jenny later explored these studies further and defined a new science, Cymatics, creating devices and machines that generated frequencies on various types of mediums. In Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration he concluded that these frequencies are not part of random chaos, but rather from an orderly, dynamic, and balanced system.
As a teenager he started his exploration of Anthroposophy, a spiritual science. He respected Steiner and studied his voluminous books. Steiner was a significant influence on Jenny, offering spiritual direction that helped shape his perspective. Hans Jenny published the first volume of Cymatics: The Study of Wave Phenomena in 1967, after finishing a doctorate at the Rudolph Steiner School in Zürich. In his experimentation of the soundwave phenomena, Jenny used crystal oscillators and his ‘tonoscope’. This is a device into which the experimenter can talk without the need for any electroacoustic equipment. Vibrations are transferred to a partition on which sand, powder, or liquid are put as indicators. Jeny used quartz sand on a black drum head 60 cm in diameter. The drum head was caused to vibrate by singing loudly through a cardboard pipe, and the sand produced symmetrical Chladni patterns. Low tones formed in simple and clear pictures, while higher tones resulted in more complex structures. Jeny found that the vocal generated patterns corresponded to the sound spectrum of a vowel. The pattern changes for different sounds, and also differing pitch.
Jenny concludes that the triadic nature of vibration is found in: movement, rhythmic systems (circulation and respiration), and of nerve physiology that becomes evident to us as frequencies and modulations including amplitude modulations. These systems all have structured patterns and dynamic rhythmic impulses, that can be found in neurology, or the functioning of organs of which processes are of a chemical, thermal, energetic, kinetic, and structural kind – all defined by rhythm and vibration.
If we take for instance the flow of breath, and the production of sound. The creation of rhythmic activities based on physiological fields elevates nature’s physiological periodicity to a higher plane of intelligence. With speech being the epoch of the intelligence of breath. Jenny sought to observe the whole and to understand the behavior of parts in relationship to the whole. With this holistic approach we can describe Jenny's work as well as the studies of Walter Russell, Victor Schauberg, Masaru Emoto and use the following analogy as what we are missing from modern reductionist science.
A foundational principle in systems theory asserts that the collective entity surpasses the cumulative significance of its individual components. The metaphorical illustration involving scientists examining an elephant is commonly employed to elucidate this principle. The challenge lies in the scientists being unaware that their investigations collectively pertain to an elephant. One scientist focuses on analyzing the chemical composition of a toenail, another observes the foot's behavior, and yet another studies the tail's wagging pace. These perspectives are disparate, with each scientist publishing separate papers in distinct scientific domains, oblivious to the interconnected nature of their work.
Then, unexpectedly, a passing scientist comprehends the entirety of the situation. She recognizes the comprehensive view, referring to the entire scenario as an "elephant." She discerns how the various components harmonize and function together. Despite her insight, skepticism arises, and professionals engage in heated debates over her concept of an "elephant." Over time, more individuals begin to perceive "the elephant," culminating in a collective realization where diverse research fields are comprehensively explained within a broader perspective.
“But everything owes its existence solely and completely to sound. Sound is a factor which holds it together. Sound is the basis of form and shape. In the beginning was the word and the word was God. We are told this is how the world began and how creation took shape.” ― Hans Jenny
Robert Monroe
“The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations.” ― Robert A. Monroe
Beginning his career in radio broadcasting Monroe is best known for his theories and practices regarding the attainment of altered states of consciousness and for founding The Monroe
Institute. With his experience in radio, came an understanding of vibrational waves as well as their auditory effects on Consciousness and perception. Through this understanding of sound, Monroe began to utilize binaural beats in his explorations of altered consciousness. “A binaural beat is an illusion created by the brain when you listen to two tones with slightly different frequencies at the same time, Your brain interprets the two tones as a beat of its own. The two tones align with your brain waves to produce a beat with a different frequency. This frequency is the difference in hertz (Hz) between the frequencies of the two tones.” For example, if you are listening to a 100 Hz tone with your right ear and a 108 Hz tone with your left ear, you would be hearing a 8 Hz tone. When you listen to binaural beats long enough, your brain activity matches the frequency set by the frequency of the beat, this is called the frequency-following effect. This means you can use binaural beats to entrain your mind to reach a certain mental state. When this is done for a prolonged period of time, the brain can undergo Hemisphere Synchronization. This is "a state of consciousness defined when the EEG patterns of both hemispheres are simultaneously equal in amplitude and frequency." This same anatomical mechanism allows the profound effects of successful meditation, hypnosis, and biofeedback. Hemi-Sync is an objective state that can be observed and quantified via EEG.
"Studies conducted by Elmer and Alyce Greene at the Menninger Foundation have shown that a subject with 20 years of training in Zen meditation could consistently establish Hemi-Sync at will, sustaining it for over 15 minutes….
Melissa Jager uses a metaphor to help clarify the process involved in the use of Hemi-Sync in the Gateway Experience. She points out that the human mind in its natural state may be likened to an ordinary lamp which expends energy in the form of both heat and light but in a chaotic, incoherent way which diffuses its energy over a wide area of rather limited depth. On the other hand, the human mind under the discipline of Hemi-Sync acts after the fashion of a laser beam which produces a disciplined stream of light. The stream of energy is projected with total coherence of both frequency and amplitude such that the surface area of a laser beam contains billions of times the concentrated energy found in a similar surface area on the sun. Gateway assumes that once the frequency and amplitude of the human brain are rendered coherent, it is possible to begin accelerating both so that the human mind is soon resonating at ever higher vibrational levels. The mind can then bring itself into synchronization with more sophisticated and rarified energy levels in the universe. The mind, when operating at these increasingly rarified levels is assumed to be capable of processing the information thus received through the same fundamental matrix by which it makes sense of ordinary physical sensory input to achieve meaning in a cognitive context. Such meaning is usually perceived visually in the form of symbols but may also be perceived as astonishing flashes of holistic intuition or even in the form of scenarios involving both visual and aural perception. The mechanics by which the mind exercises the consciousness function will be addressed in more detail later in this paper.”
Robert Monroe's use of binaural beats for hemi-sync was researched deeply by his group the The Monroe Institute. (TMI) is a nonprofit education and research organization devoted to the exploration of human consciousness, based in Faber, Virginia. Over 20,000 people are estimated to have attended TMI's residential Gateway program. The Gateway program is what Monroe called “a voyage of self-discovery through the gateway of expanded awareness. Gateway accelerates your ability to go farther, deeper and faster into different dimensions of consciousness—thanks in part to our use of binaural beat audio guidance technology.” It is binaural beats mixed with guided meditation that progresses through a series of tapes trying to teach the user how to eventually have an out of body experience via astral projection. For the materialist scientist or reader it may sound absurd, however the US Military and intelligence community were very interested and wrote a report called ‘Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process’. Which should be read by everyone trying to understand Consciousness and this experience. A few things it says- Consciousness exists without the body and beyond ‘death’, there are non-physical beings that have sentience and can be benevolent or malevolent, how telepathy works, you can astral project, we live in a holographic matrix, and more. It actually tells you the brainwaves that are required and can be read on a EEG in order to reach this level of out of body, expanded consciousness. “Basically, these techniques are merely designed to make it easier for the individual to achieve the out-of-body state when his brainwave pattern and personal energy levels have reached a point that he is in apparent harmony with his surrounding electromagnetic environment such that he feels that he has reached the threshold where separation is a possibility. To facilitate achieving the out-of-body state, Bob Monroe, the founder of Monroe Institute, is quoted in a recent magazine article as saying that in order to assist the participant the particular Hemi-Sync tape concerned with that technique employs Beta signals of "around 2877.3 CPS."(cycles per second). Since 30 to 40 CPS is considered to be the normal range for Beta brainwave signals(those associated with the wakeful state), it is apparent that the Monroe Institute is convinced that the same heightened state of brainwave frequency output which promotes altered states of consciousness is also an important consideration in assisting in achievement of out-of-body states.”
Robert Monroe had no religious or spiritual background and no interest in anything mystical or occult. When he found himself suddenly having out-of-body experiences, he had no way of comprehending what was happening to him and his first assumption was that there was something defective with his brain. After being assured by his doctor that he was healthy and did not have a brain tumor, he went to see a psychiatrist, because surely he must be going crazy. The psychiatrist also cleared him and advised him to look into Eastern religions. There was very little written about the subject at the time Monroe began having these experiences and the phrase "out-of-body experience" wasn't even a known term. Being the scientific, logical person that Monroe was, he set out to document what was happening when it seemed he was leaving his body with the hope of coming to understand as much as he could about this phenomenon. Leading to him opening the Monroe Institute and writing three books- Journeys out of the body, Far Journeys, Ultimate Journey.
To further expound on Monroe's research was a student of his, scientist Thomas Warren Campbell is a physicist, lecturer, and author of the My Big T.O.E. (Theory of Everything). “After getting his master's degree in physics in 1968, Campbell commenced on a Ph.D. program with a specialization in experimental nuclear physics. During this time, Campbell enrolled in a Transcendental Meditation class and discovered an aptitude for it, a technique he says he would employ to discover errors in his computer code while working for U.S. Army Intelligence. Around this time, Campbell was introduced to Robert Monroe’s book, Journeys Out Of The Body, on out-of-body experiences. Upon learning that Monroe was looking for scientists to help him study altered states of consciousness, Campbell applied for the position and subsequently began working with Monroe at Monroe Laboratories. This research facility would evolve to become The Monroe Institute. Tom is the "TC physicist" described in Monroe's second book Far Journeys. Both Campbell and electrical engineer Dennis Mennerich were instrumental in developing TMI's "Hemi-Sync" technology, based on the binaural beat method for creating specific altered states of consciousness within subjects. Campbell believes his research with Monroe informed many of his insights into the nature of reality and mechanics of what he calls "the larger consciousness system".
Through the work of Walter Russell, Victor Schauberg, Masaru Emoto, Hans Jenny, and Robert Monroe we can learn more about the science of spirituality and how it permeates its reflection through nature in the physical realm. If you wonder why I have not written much the last couple years this meme sums it up.