This is a continuously growing with new content Memes & Musings page. All of these are posts from my or that I have decided to mirror here. Most of these are short excerpts, with added pictures, from my In today's busy world we are caught in, it can sometimes be easier to process and read short 'musings & memes' than an entire book.
Last Updated 3/24/2020
Meme Magick:
Never underestimate the power of Memes If everything is consciousness and all is mind, and thoughts are the product of consciousness/mind, then controlling your thoughts would be very powerful. Willing your thoughts and energy toward a cause, goal or desire would undoubtedly give a better opportunity to succeed. If these same thoughts were shared by a group of people the power would grow exponentially. The thoughts could grow into forces unto themselves becoming.... “Memes are the collective unconscious equivalent to genes. As man has become physically more complex, the Archons needed a strategy to control and manipulate thought. This strategy began in the lower reaches of the collective unconscious. As Eggregores began to take hold of an increasing amount of human thought, the Archons worked to create Eggregores of special power, special destructive value. These specialized mind-traps we can call Memes. They reproduce through human consciousness at lightning speed and move from mind to mind, they masquerade as theories, concepts and philosophical systems that bring people together into mindless conglomerates. These conglomerates, group minds or Eggregores are then easily manipulated.” -Gnostic Theurgy Memes can thus be used for the liberation or enslavement of people's minds depending on the motives. In the modern age of online memes, many people still don’t realize the actual power of them. This why meme magick was being used in the 2018 election and memes are now one of the most prevalent used tool for jokes, internet arguments, and sharing of information. Read more at:
Magick in the simplest definition is the manipulation of energy. Consciousness is a form of energy. Matter is a form of energy. Everything is a form of energy. To manipulate any of these is magick. Whether used for service of self or others is up to the user. So if you are to manipulate consciousness, your own or others, you are performing magick... With this definition of magick being the manipulation of energy/consciousness, you will realize the most powerful magicians are artists, musicians, writers, media/news/TV/movie executives, religious leaders, judges, scientists, politicians and attorneys. They shape the world around you with their words, images and the emotions/thoughts that are conveyed. To cast a spell is the same to spell a word... Read more at:
I'm sure most are familiar with the project MK-ULTRA involving types of mind control using methods of hypnotism, mesmerism, and psychedelics/pharmaceuticals . Many however are not aware that this project lead to further studies of the powers of the mind and consciousness. The government wanted to experiment with sinister forces shamans, occultists, adepts, and sorcerers had been aware of since at least the Shamanism era. One experiment of this program was the Montauk Project, in which surprisingly the show "Stranger Things" does a decent job portraying what went on. Taking people (children usually) that possessed gifts of the mind such as remote viewing, telekinesis, psychic powers, etc. and using trauma/hypnosis to make them open up portals to other realms for communication/summoning of other dimensional (malevolent) intelligences. The show Twin Peaks also does a good job depicting this. " Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, chief of the CIA’s Technical Services Branch and also known as the “Black Sorcerer” due to his expertise with poisons, used the program to “explore the world of black magic and harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach...To this end, people involved with MKOFTEN purportedly met with, consulted, studied, or employed numerous mystics and occultists, including fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologists, mediums, psychics, practitioners of voodoo and witchcraft, black magicians, demonologists, Satanists, and even a monsignor in charge of exorcisms for the Catholic archdiocese of New York. The program also allegedly pursued magical rituals for possible military use. According to Thomas, the CIA employed three astrologers for telling the future, as well as two palm readers whose abilities were looked at for their use in intelligence activities, a sorceress from Houston named Sibyl Leak, and various other psychics and occultists.... the CIA was interested in starting religious cults such as that of the People’s Temple of Jonestown, the Church of Set, and the Process Church of the Final Judgement, the Finders, and others, in order to look into mind control and alteration of human behavior, and that they also helped set up a course in black magic, demonology, and witchcraft at at the University of South Carolina as a sort of “social laboratory.” This course apparently delved into all manner of the occult and magical rituals and was carefully monitored by CIA behavioral scientists. Another researcher named Peter Lavenda has also claimed that MKOFTEN was involved in “everything from séances and witchcraft to remote viewing and exotic drugs.”
Copied from Twitter: Mask behind the mask
"Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA. Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA. Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA. Take off the filmmaker's mask, and it's the CIA. Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the motherfucking CIA." Take off the CIA's mask and we find out they and ALL of the Intelligence agencies are ran by ancient esoteric mystery cults that have no allegiance to any country, political system, race, religion or set of people. Read more at:
Structure of Hierarchy:
The Hylic (robot-zombie) citizen slaves on the bottom, the puppets in the middle with vast wealth and power (politicians/executives) , their puppet masters in corrupted esoteric systems, their masters that are inter/hyper/ultra dimensional beings (Archons/Demons etc) who are slaves to the Demiurge, who paradoxically is a slave to its own creation and self...One interpretation of this hierarchy is the Demiurge uses control/manipulation of matter/DNA to use the Archons/Demons, who use powerful occult knowledge/magick to control the members of inverted esoteric systems, they use their fiat magick money to control the wealthy puppets, whom use base desires and materialistic nihilism to control the masses...
Pedo Cults:
Ted Gunderson and John Decamp let everyone about the pedo cults that infiltrated the government in the 90's, no once cared then only a few care now. The way it works is politicians/executives/celebrities (a vast majority on both sides politically) are perverted, greedy, selfish puppets with pathological personalities (sociopath/psychopath). They join esoteric societies and get honey trapped/blackmailed by the puppet masters. A recent one being NXIVM with celebs/billionaires/executives as members. Epstein was a gate-keeper for one of these cults. It is important to know that at the highest levels it is not about power or money, the puppet masters have an unlimited amount of both. It is about creating as much (subtly of course) fear, stress,anxiety, hate, violence, division etc as possible. This creates food for the inter-dimensional beings they worship, the system is a perverted/corrupted/inverted hybrid of Gnosticism, Hermetics and Voudon. I have no care if you believe it is real, but I guarantee the most powerful people in the world do, and practice this. This abuse is ritual and also why Epstein has a temple, as certain geometric patterns amplify the violent, vile energy they seek to produce. They will continue to rule if people do not realize the engineered dialectics they use to keep everyone divide, as they are vastly outnumbered. Research this for yourself, think for yourself and question everything. Do not take anyone's word for it including mine.
I consider them a virus that cannot be cured, and they hide in all forms. The less intelligent one's that lack impulse control, usually join gangs, and end up going to prison for street crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, etc. The intelligent ones are more of threat and work their way up in corporations, politics, police/military, and other positions that give perceived wealth/power. They destroy nations, middle/lower class families, and anyone else they feel like. Of course there are some that fall in between these two and work 'normal jobs' and may be encountered from time to time. Either way, many blend into society and unless one has a strong mind, situational awareness, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence then they have a much better chance of falling victim. If encountered remove from all aspects of your life immediately and feel no pity, as they will use your own empathy (what they lack) as a weapon.
The Pedophile Agenda From
This brings us to the most important topic of the pedophile agenda that is a segment of the mainstreaming of the satanism agenda, occurring more aggressively in the western culture. This ideology is being further reinforced by the primitive beliefs held in third world poverty-stricken populations from war-torn or economically ravaged countries, where murder, rape, child brides and extreme violence are every day normalized events. The most traumatic and damaging event that can happen to the soul of a developing baby or child, is sexual abuse from an adult. This is why sexual abuse of children is the highest priority of those that commit Satanic Ritual Abuse for gaining power and control in the material world, and of those pedophiles that are ultimately being controlled by the NAA to spread acceptance of this depravity. Collecting sexual energy from children is the holy grail of the NAA, and they use this energy in Moloch battery tanks that power up the black magic grids. Sexual abuse of a child that is committed through vaginal or rectal intercourse can easily damage the fetal cells in the tailbone, which explodes the inner circuitry at the perineum and causes rips and holes in the victim’s aura. Sometimes the fetal cells on the tailbone will explode from forceful and brutal impact, and that cell contains coiled kundalini current that will explode out of the lightbody circuitry and nervous system, producing extremely devastating physical trauma and emotional pain. If the sexual impact is forceful the kundalini cell can explode up the central channel momentarily, rising into the brain and cerebral spinal fluid, which can damage the bio-neurology through dissociative states, mental and emotional fracturing, psychotic break and subsequent entity attachments to the fragments. This is a preferred method to generate mind-controlled slaves, and is commonly understood as Satanic Ritual Abuse used in MKUltra or Monarch programming, that is still rampant in the Hollywood celebrity or sex slave culture today. This was brought to the United States by the high-level Nazi’s at the end of World War II, using techniques that were given to them by the Black Suns. Obviously, a child with a much smaller body than an adult abuser, can be severely spiritually damaged in a multitude of ways by sexual assault, experiencing a massive amount of painful trauma, fear and emotional dysfunction that is carried with them their entire lifetime. Many times, the abused become the abusers and the cycle interchanges endlessly throughout generations of learned abuse. Whether an adult or child, the internal circuity that makes up the major bodily meridians intersect into the perineum where the chi energy is circulated throughout the entire body. To interrupt the inner circuitry from moving upwards or damage the fetal cells on the tailbone, injury and harm is applied to this area of the perineum, and thus the sexual energies are siphoned downward towards the earth moving in the reverse direction. The 2D opening into the soul matrix layers of the lightbody are located in the sexual organs, it is in the cervix for females, and in the prostate gland area for males. During intercourse possible infiltration, implantation and entity attachment can occur when breaching these consciousness portals in the sexual organs. Sexual abuse, rape or disconnected sex can infiltrate the sexual organs with implants and attachments that are used to reverse gender principle by reversing the inner sexual energies to run a reversal base shield, and block the perineum circuitry entirely through tailbone implant. This is called the “anti-sex” configuration when sexual energy is running reversals from out of the perineum or root areas. The anti-sex reversal configuration will attract entities of sexual addiction, and thus sexual addiction is very common among people that abuse their sexual energies. They will feel constantly depleted and looking for a hit of orgasm to feed a hungry entity attachment or feed addictive reactions that impulse cravings in the bio-neurology. The damage made to the 2D energy systems that impact the sexual organs to run reversal energies, generate blockages that prevent biological spiritual ascension, many times preventing kundalini from opening and moving upwards in the central vertical channel. If the kundalini energies are opened, many times they are running in reverse, the inner merkaba spiral is descending and feeding into reversal energies in the earth. This is the strategy of the NAA, who are attacking the sexual energies of humanity in order to get as many humans to abuse their sexual energies and run reversal merkaba shields as possible, to feed the checkerboard mutation. The first target is the most vulnerable, the children of earth, by making them acceptable sexual objects to be abused and told that this abuse is equated with love. SRA survivors can feel great shame when this sexual addiction is the result of horrific early abuse, however it is important to realize that this is how these entities hijack the body from out of our control. We must apply effort to regain control over our physical body functions, and that starts with getting control over our thoughtforms and belief systems. They intentionally violate sexual boundaries so a person does not know how to restore dignity and purity to the sexual organs, or to practice healthy, loving self-care that respects our physical body. To restore our sexual energies into a corrected pattern, moving them upwards into our heart, we must unconditionally love ourselves and our sexual organs, practicing healthy sexual hygiene. One thing is certain, people are being used as pawns in the checkerboard mutation that plays the reversals in the SRA game of the NAA, and many are unaware of the spiritual reality in which we are living. The lack of empathy and compassion we have for ourselves, as well as for the many serious abuses that are committed against others, is what produces narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths for a death culture run by the Controllers. When the human heart is broken and the soul is disconnected, it generates extreme distortions of mental sickness and pain filled diseased behavior that goes unnoticed and then starts to become increasingly normalized, as if it is a right to choose abusive and self-destructive patterns. These are the main goals behind the psychological warfare of spreading worldwide Satanic Ritual Abuse via the pedophile agenda, courtesy of the power-hungry Controllers and the NAA.
The Invisible College:
We are no one, we are everyone, and we are invisible.
"The order of the Logos, the true Rosicross, does not have a visible or tangible organization in the physical world, it does not have a physical temple; this only exists in the superior worlds.... The true Rosicrucian Order that the Logos has established upon the face of the Earth does not have any visible organization, it does not dictate courses by correspondence, nor does it collect fees, nor does it have juridical personality, nor does it have internal or external statutes. Their members are not even acquainted with each other in this physical world. They might be acquainted with each other in the superior worlds, yet in this physical world they very seldom, very seldom encounter each other." - Samael Aun Weor
The Prophecy of Sophia:
“Listen to me; I tell you in truth, in very truth, that the days of the wicked will end and the son of man will sit on the judgment seat. This will come as surely as the sun itself rises. The grim king will strive and lose, despite his cunning; he loses; he lost; he will always lose, and those with him will go into the pit of darkness and there they will linger forever. What you teach is the word of man. Man is holy, and the true god, the living god, is man himself. You will have no gods but yourselves; the days in which you believed in other gods end now, they end forever. The goal of your lives has been reached. I am here to tell you this. Do not fear; I will protect you. You are to follow one rule: you are to love one another as you love me and as I love you, for this love proceeds from the true god, which is yourselves. A time of trial and delusion and wailing lies ahead because the grim king, the king of tears, will not surrender his power. But you will take his power from him; I grant you that authority in my name, exactly as I granted it to you once before, when that grim king ruled and destroyed and challenged the humble people of the world. The battle which you fought before has not ended, although the day of the healing sun has come. Evil does not die of its own self because it imagines that it speaks for god. Many claim to speak for god, but there is only one god and that god is man himself. Therefore only those leaders who protect and shelter will live; the others will die. The oppression lifted four years ago, and it will for a little while return. Be patient during this time; it will be a time of trials for you, but I will be with you, and when the time of trials is over I shall sit down on the judgment seat, and some will fall and some will not fall, according to my will, my will which comes to me from the father, back to whom we all go, all of us together. I am not a god; I am a human. I am a child, the child of my father, which is Wisdom Himself. You carry in you now the voice and authority of Wisdom; you are, therefore, Wisdom, even when you forget it. You will not forget it for long. I will be there and I will remind you. The day of Wisdom and the rule of Wisdom has come. The day of power, which is the enemy of Wisdom, ends. Power and Wisdom are the two principles in the world. Power has had its rule and now it goes into the darkness from which it came, and Wisdom alone rules. Those who obey power will succumb as power succumbs. Those who love Wisdom and follow her will thrive under the sun. Remember, I will be with you. I will be in each of you from now on. I will accompany you down into the prison if necessary; I will speak in the courts of law to defend you; my voice will be heard in the land, whatever the oppression. Do not fear; speak out and Wisdom will guide you. Fall silent out of fear and Wisdom will depart you. But you will not feel fear because Wisdom herself is in you, and you and she are one. Formerly you were alone within yourselves; formerly you were solitary men. Now you have a companion who never sickens or fails or dies; you are bonded to the eternal and will shine like the healing sun itself. As you go back into the world I will guide you from day to day. And when you die I will notice and come to pick you up; I will carry you in my arms back to your home, out of which you came and back to which you go. You are strangers here, but you are hardly strangers to me; I have known you since the start. This has not been your world, but I will make it your world; I will change it for you. Fear not. What assails you will perish and you will thrive. These are things which shall be because I speak with the authority given me by my father. You are the true god and you will prevail."-VALIS
The Maze of Consciousness/Reality:
“This is an irreal world. You realize that, I'm sure. VALIS made you realize that. We are in a living maze and not in a world at all… We are in a maze, here, which we built and then fell into and can't get out. In essence, VALIS selectively fires information to us which aids us in escaping from the maze, in finding the way out. It started back about two thousand years before Christ, in Mycenaean times or perhaps early Helladic. That's why the myths place the maze at Minos, on Crete. That's why you saw ancient Crete through the 1:.618034 doorway. We were great builders, but one day we decided to play a game. We did it voluntarily; we were such good builders that we could build a maze with a way out but which constantly changed so that, despite the way out, in effect there was no way out for us because the maze -- this world -- was alive. To make the game into something real, into something more than an intellectual exercise, we elected to lose our exceptional faculties, to reduce us an entire level. This, unfortunately, included loss of memory -- loss of knowledge of our true origins. But worse than that -- and here is where we in a sense managed to defeat ourselves, to turn victory over to our servant, over to the maze we had built --We relinquished the third eye, our prime evolutionary attribute. It is the third eye which VALIS re-opens..Then it's the third eye that gets us back out of the maze…But since we no longer remembered that we had that ajna faculty, the eye of discernment, we could not go about seeking techniques for re-opening it. Something outside had to enter, something which we ourselves would be unable to build…”-VALIS
Illusion of Light:
“It began before the beginning. The vast sea of Light was in a state of perfect unity, without edge, without boundary, and without division. This was the "clear light" of Buddha/Kristos consciousness and the Ain Soph Aur ("Light without end") of Kabbalah. There was no possible idea of striving for and attaining anything, since all was wholeness, the very concept of unity itself being meaningless in an existence absent of separation. There was only the unending Light of consciousness, and it existed as perfect bliss and contentment. It knew no objects. It was the perfect suffusion that cannot be touched or disturbed. All was mind." - LYAM THOMAS CHRISTOPHER Read more at:
Thought vs Thot:
Begone Thought! The seductive temptress that distracts and persuades, and if we don’t have control of ourselves, this can allow both thoughts and thots to bring our demise.
Ego, Arrogance, and Ignorance:
"If a man is born ignorant, to parents that are ignorant, in a society that is ignorant, lives a life of ignorance and eventually dies in ignorance... ignorance is a norm. Thus indoctrination can be called education, hypnotism can be called entertainment, criminals can be called leaders, and lies can be called truth, because his mind was never truly his own." - Unknown Many people are ignorant of their arrogance and arrogant of their ignorance. They are ignorant of their own ignorance, yet so arrogant they believe they are not. Most people do not want to hear other points of view and enjoy living in an echo chamber...
Free Will:
Is there actually freewill? Can it be accurately described? Would it be possible to actually know if it exists? Make your own decisions. “Do you believe in fate, Neo? NEO: No. MORPHEUS: Why not? NEO: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.”~Matrix To me it seems there is a set probability of choices we can make in every situation. I don’t know if you can call this freewill and to what extent it actually exists. It may vary from person to person and possibly there are ways to take more command of it. From our perspective we sure like to believe we have freewill, however my will is constrained by the laws of the physical realm. I can have strong will to fly like superman, however this willpower, at least as of now, does not have the ability to overcome the physical laws. That would mean my will is not actually free, but set with conditions, at least from our perspective as humans....maybe the only thing we have 'free will' over is our reactions and emotions when something happens. You decide.
Walter Russell Quote:
"Man and Mind and all creating things are universal. There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance. When man knows this in measurable exactness then will he have no limitations within those which are universal.- Walter Russell Walter Russell is a lesser known scientist that created his own Periodic table among many other things."
Trauma and Addiction:
Most studies I have read said that 70-85% of drug addicts are victims of trauma, typically happening in childhood. There is plenty of actual clinical/scientific research on this, even on government websites (just google: PTSD and drug addiction), yet as a society we just allow them to be tossed in a cage with violent criminals for a victim-less crime. Of course this is all engineered by the Masters of Manipulation in order to gain monetary profit from the private prison and (in)justice system, while creating humiliation, suffering, and all types of other negative energy associated with the drug black market/addicts. From: This neglect, pain, and suffering creates a vicious cycle. Many children that were abuse/neglect victims, in order escape the pain brought from their childhood, usually become attached to a base desire, resulting in addiction. These hurt people sometimes hurt other people, have children and the cycle continues. The scale can vary and sometimes they are addicted not to substances but to zealous religious denomination or a belief. They raise their children with the same propaganda attachment, ignorance and arrogance.
Trash people, trashing nature. Do you notice what people usually litter - fast-food, cigarettes, soda, candy, and other junk food. Makes sense though, because if they have no care of what they put in their body, they have no care about the environment around them. It is a litmus test for someones character, if they litter it is quick a way to tell they are lazy/apathetic and have no care about the people around them, the environment, the cleanliness/ascetics of their own community, or nature as a whole.
Spiritual Expression/Creative Outlet:
It is important to have a creative expressive outlet. There are a number of ways such as, Music, Art, Writing, Poetry, Sculpture, Dance, Theater etc. and I recommend trying to find one or more to enjoy. Do not worry about “not being good,” this is about personal growth/expression and you will get better over time, after practicing. Many creative practices connect both sides of our brain and can make us become more in tune with ourselves and tap into streams on consciousness that we are usually unaware of. Creativity helps merge the conscious and sub-conscious and can get us into trance like meditative states where we commune with higher-mind and consciousness. . Practicing any creative outlet can help us achieve gnosis, still the mind when meditating, live with love, strengthen will, and expand perception. Additional benefits are that it can give sense of purpose, power, increase mindfulness, concentration, patience, skills, mood, self-esteem and much more... Read more at
American Dream:
“That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” ― George Carlin
The work, consume, sleep, repeat cycle we are all stuck in. Even if you have some monetary success you better make sure to pay your pence (taxes) to Big Brother. Taxes are always going up, if not federally then locally, yet there is never enough money to do anything of productive value for the common citizen, and they tell us they always need to cut more budgets. Our freedoms continue to be taken away in the name of safety which is really just propaganda for a growing militarized police state. Politicians are not inept, that are purposely destroying this country drop by drop and inch by inch, while the populous puts all their energy in upholding the right/left engineered dialectic ‘non-issues’. Time to take this dream back from the Masters of Manipulation. Read more:
Free Market Capitalism or Oligarchical Corporatism:
In reality the 'government' is actually a foreign corporation of inter-connected families that pose as a Democracy. Make no mistake they (purposely) make it harder everyday- if not federally, then locally- with more regulations, taxes, etc. for small business owners.
Fiat Money Magick-The Great Con:
Exchange your Time and Energy for paper Our money system is the most tangible and observable system of control. How it works: Money doesn’t grow on trees, that would take too long, it is created out of thin air with nothing but imagination and belief. “The global monetary system is what’s called a Fiat system in which money is a storage medium for purchasing power and a substitute for barter. Most of the world’s money is called fiat money, meaning it is accepted as money because a government says that it’s legal tender, and the public has enough confidence and faith in the money’s ability to serve as a storage medium for purchasing power. A fiat system is based on a government’s mandate that the paper currency it prints is legal tender for making financial transactions. Legal tender means that the money is backed by the full faith and credit of the government that issues it. In other words, the government promises to be good for it.” So it is literally only valuable because you have faith in it. It is worth less than the paper it is printed on, but we collectively uphold this and are forced to use it. You will be homeless, in jail or killed if you do not abide by this system, at least in western countries. “Central banks create money by issuing interest-free currency notes and selling them to the public (government) in exchange for interest-bearing assets such as government bonds. In contrast to a commercial bank, a central bank possesses a monopoly on increasing the monetary base in the state, and also generally controls the printing/coining of the national currency, which serves as the state's legal tender. A central bank also acts as a lender of last resort to the banking sector during times of financial crisis.” Wiki Read More at: and the book: The Creature of Jekyll Island
What keeps you up at night:
Engineered Divide/Conquer Dialectics or the Fiat Money Magick enslavement and how the MSM/politicians never mention it.
Strive for Gnosis:
Gnosis is simply to know (gno), specifically to know something through direct experience with it. Usually it “signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity’s real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence. “ It is one thing to read about something or have faith (pistis) in it, it is another thing to have your own direct experiences with it. Belief has a degree of uncertainty while gnosis is directly knowing. This however can become diluted and dangerous if ones ego makes them think they know. “Genuine mysticism is having experience, to perceive spiritually in a very factual, concrete manner. It is nothing vague or ambiguous. I have had dreams where I have been at work, doing this or that... those are just mere dreams. But, a vision is where you are fully aware and in that state of mind, in that plane, dimension, and you know how to navigate consciously. To be a genuine mystic, a genuine occultist, one must learn how to travel in those states." A relevant metaphor I can think of is the difference between reading about entheogen psychedelic experiences, talking to people that have had psychedelic experiences, and then finally doing entheogens for yourself. You may gain understanding from reading and talking to people, but it is does not hold the same profoundness as doing them for yourself and having the direct experience.... Read more at:
"Light and Consciousness are two phenomena of the same thing; to a lesser degree of Consciousness, corresponds a lesser degree of light; to a greater degree of Consciousness, a greater degree of light." - Samael Aun Weor
The Power of Words:
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.” Philip K. Dick Manipulation through words, to cast a spell is to spell a word. You can call it word play, syntax, mental/phonetic magick, language manipulation, cultural imperialism etc. Words/letters are symbols and sigils, becoming archetypes that they convey ideas though. If you can control the idea of what a word means you can control people’s minds. For example... We can see a recent version of this with the word ISIS, for a long period of time representing an Egyptian goddess that was caring and loved all. Now the Masters of Manipulation have inverted this meaning to be an extremist, misogynistic ideology/group. This is magick and has profound effects on the collective conscious and sub-conscious.
Philip K Dick:
One of modern times most prolific writers, with many famous books such as: Blade Runner, A Scanner Darkly, The Man in the High Castle, Adjustment Team (The Adjustment Bureau film basis), The Minority Report and many many more. My favorite and what I consider one of, if not the most important writings, on understanding the nature of "reality" is the, Tractates Criptica Scriptura from his VALIS novel. Some Quotes from it: 1.One Mind there is; but under it two principles contend. 2. The Mind lets in the light, then the dark, in interaction; so time is generated. At the end Mind awards victory to the light; time ceases and the Mind is complete. 4. Matter is plastic in the face of mind. 10. Apollonius of Tyana, writing as Hermes Trismegistos, said, "That which is above is that which is below." By this he meant to tell us that our universe is a hologram, but he lacked the term. 11. The great secret known to Apollonius of Tyana, Paul of Tarsus, Simon Magus, Asklepios, Paracelsus, Boehme and Bruno is that: we are moving backward in time. The universe in fact is contracting into a unitary entity which is completing itself. Decay and disorder are seen by us in reverse, as increasing. These healers learned to move forward in time, which is retrograde to us. 14. The universe is information and we are stationary in it, not three-dimensional and not in space or time. The information fed to us we hypostatize into the phenomenal world. 21. The Rose Cross Brotherhood wrote, "Ex Deo nascimur, in Jesu mortimur, per spiritum sanctum reviviscimus," which is to say, "From God we are born, in Jesus we die, by the Holy Spirit we live again." This signifies that they had rediscovered the lost formula for immortality which the Empire had destroyed. "The Empire never ended. 41. The Empire is the institution, the codification, of derangement; it is insane and imposes its insanity on us by violence, since its nature is a violent one. 42. To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement. This is a paradox; whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies. 44. Since the universe is actually composed of information, then it can be said that information will save us. This is the saving gnosis which the Gnostics sought... 52 . Our world is still secretly ruled by the hidden race descended from Ikhnaton, and his knowledge is the information of the Macro-Mind itself...
The Empire never ended:
“The Empire is the institution, the codification, of derangement; it is insane and imposes its insanity on us by violence, since its nature is a violent one. Entry 42. To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement. This is a paradox; whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies. Entry 43. Against the Empire is posed the living information, the plasmate or physician, which we know as the Holy Spirit or Christ discorporate. These are the two principles, the dark (the Empire) and the light (the plasmate). In the end, Mind will give victory to the latter. Each of us will die or survive according to which he aligns himself and his efforts. Each of us contains a component of each. Eventually one or the other component will triumph in each human. Zoroaster knew this, because the Wise Mind informed him. He was the first savior. Four have lived in all. A fifth is about to be born, who will differ from the others: he will rule and he will judge us”-VALIS Read more at:
From Globaltruths post:
"Throughout the ages, countless philosophers, scientists, and explorers of the mind have attempted to discover the properties and principles of an objective, “substantial reality”. It is immediately apparent to any other sentient being’s perspective that we most likely live together in a single world of matter and physics. Certain principles of this “substantial reality” seem to be completely static for everyone under certain conditions, and work 100% of the time. Examples of principles we know are gravity and thermodynamics. The ability of these principles and their effects to be demonstrated over and over, gives humanity faith in them to create freedom for everyone in the forms of airplanes, refrigerators, and cures to disease. We can already see the connection between true knowledge of principles and the creation of human freedom through technology in these examples. Perspective vs Truth Humans have a set of sensory organs that input a very small amount of information from our environment into our brain. This is why, each person is said to have a perspective, or a lens with which they are viewing reality. The truth or the objective substantial reality can be depicted as a straight line which does not move. Our perspectives on the other hand are limited and usually based on belief, which causes them to vary wildly from the truth like a wave. The very best that we can do, is attempt to align our individual perspectives with the truth. Requirements exist in reality. If you want something to be different than its default condition, requirement exists. To build a computer, you must first have all of the correct components and assemble them. To build a house, you must first clear the land, and build a strong foundation. If what we are creating as humanity is continually the opposite of what we want, then logically we either do not know the requirements or they are being ignored by an extremely large majority of people. I think that ignorance of the truth is the main cause to the problems humanity has created for itself. In its most accurate definition, the truth can be defined as “that which is”. It is everything that has happened in the past, and everything happening right now. The nature of our position in space time is that the truth cannot be changed. We can see the effects of our actions which have echoed off the principles of the universe into what we have created here. The question is, is this what we want to create? What do you say that you want for the world and all the people in it? Most people say they want peace, health, and happiness for the world. However, in current human societies we are stuck in cycles of slavery, war, and genocide. We are creating the opposite of what we say we want. Lies and Deception are the enemy of the Truth. They are put forward into the minds and hearts of the people of Earth by those who rage against what is. They are spoken, propagated and acted upon by those with a vested interest in keeping the understanding of the Truth from reaching the Consciousness of each individual. Lies and deception are insidious, for once they have been believed and accepted by well-meaning individuals, these individuals, in their ignorance, become agents for the spread of these falsehoods. This is how lies and propaganda are spread from generation to generation. A parent is indoctrinated into the lie, and then the parent indoctrinates their children, who in turn indoctrinate their children, and so on, down through the generations. The main function of these cultural lies is to leave a person not knowing anything about themselves or the world they live in so they unknowingly consent to become a slave. Here are some of the core illusions the slave masters use to keep humanity ignorant of its true identity and therefore its true power: Five senses / Materialism illusion Many many people fall into this category of identifying with their experiences or their “stuff”. We are not what we can see, touch, taste, and hear, and we are not our possessions. You can spot someone who is suffering from materialistic identification from how they act when they lose something that is important to them (not usually people). If you think that money and material wealth is the road to happiness, success or enlightenment, you have bought a bill of goods from men who have lied to you to keep you giving away your energy to purchase their crap. Dogmatic Belief Systems Religion is the main belief system that people readily identify as fooling people into believing lies. It’s easy for someone to gain enough knowledge of the truth to easily dispel the old astrotheological control cults of the Christians (sun), Islamic (moon), and Jewish (star) communities, but there are other religions that you may have missed. Government as it currently exists is a belief system of slavery in which a group called “authority” makes commands and the public is under the obligation to obey those commands, or else get harassed, robbed, caged, or murdered. Democracy is not a system to be hailed and spread throughout the globe. The forefathers knew that we should keep the republic they gave us, and they knew the damage democracy would do. Democracy is nothing more than a system in which everyone is a slave and master of slaves. There is no true majority, everyone will have the taste of choosing to enforce their way through voting and the violence of the state, and having other’s ways enforced on them through the same voting box. In this way, slavery is perfected. As a democracy goes on, it’s final form shows a society where the most morally incorrect and therefore most harmful actions of theft and murder are legalized. The united states shows us this by legally allowing an oligarchy of criminals to control our currency, tax and enslave a nation, and use its military defense as a murderous offense. The belief in the legitimacy of government, is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. New Age religion is another popular belief system that is taking the place of the old astrotheological ones. I refer to new age as “new solipsism”. Solipsism is what you could possibly consider the very first lie of authority, that there is no truth, as you can never be sure that anything outside of yourself even exists. Solipsism’s definition from wikipedia is: "from Latin solus, meaning 'alone', and ipse, meaning 'self')[1] is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist.” With enough research, you can find that this religion has ancient roots, and has been used by slave masters in the past for a very specific reason. In short, the new age belief system is designed to remove the action oriented or masculine element from our consciousness. This religion states the lie that when you give attention to bad things, it causes more bad things to happen. They say that the only way to attain a positive happy problem-free environment is to ignore the negative. Imagine an entire society of people who simply meditate and ignore the fact that you are putting them into covert concentration camps. New age is a controllers dream religion, because the only thing that can stop them is people exposing their lies and misdeeds. If a majority of people simply ignore tyranny it gets its freedom and consent to grow and grow. The truth is, much like ignored cancer, anything that creates a problem only gets worse when its ignored. Ego based identification This barrier is a difficult one to get over, because it involves discovering that we are not what we think we are. People grow up learning to attach labels to themselves like human, engineer, caretaker, mom, hero and a billion other identities we can make up for ourselves. As we grow, we become more knowledgeable of our own likes and dislikes, so these labels change as we change what we think about ourselves. Culture can use this against you. There are ideas and sayings that are becoming very prevalent in our culture at the moment having mostly to do with animalizing human beings. You can see women wearing shorts that say “head of the pack”, or the new “furry” craze with people dressing up and acting like animals. This all adds up to a single extremely deceptive phrase that has been used for a long time to keep humans at a very low frequency of ego identification. I’m sure you’ve even heard this phrase and have maybe even said it, many times. What is this ancient evil core idea that keeps people from realizing they are actually infinitely powerful supreme beings? It’s that we’re “Only Human”. Left Brain Prison Mind control is a largely undiscovered science by the masses. Using the two sides of the brain, a psychological controller is able to make one hemisphere dominant over the over, and therefore create a “tilted” worldview within that individual. “Left Brain Prison” refers to when a person is working mostly with the left hemisphere which corresponds with mostly logic and math. David Icke says, “The intellect, left to itself, is a prison of the mind. If you look around you at most of what we call 'society', it has been created by intellect. Not heart, not higher consciousness - intellect. The education system worships the intellect and seeks out through examinations the sharpest intellects to run the institutions of government, finance, business, science, education, media and military in the next generation. What do they all, or at least the vast majority, have in common? They are prisoners of the intellect, and that's why we have a society founded on, and created by, intellect - one of the lowest expressions of consciousness.” I think an example of a highly intellectual yet not very intelligent person who is effected by the left brain prison is Stephen Hawkings. Like most hardcore left brain imbalanced people, Hawkings states that human free will is an illusion and the universe is simply a predestined dead mechanized clockwork. In conclusion, the truth is perhaps the most important, and most powerful idea that currently exists for us to solve our problems. Dare I say that, aligning our perceptions with the truth may be the purpose to our entire existence. The key to busting out of this prison of deception we are all in, is to be very careful with our sources of information. Do not believe anyone when it comes anything. Start to exercise your intuition, and try to believe and trust in yourself to test and determine what is true and what is false. Once you gain this ability to think critically on your own, most forms of mind control that effect most everyone will no longer work on you and you will be free to think outside the box to solve problems. Keeping it simple, the standard way to gain true knowledge is to: Create a theory. Prove it false. Repeat. Ancient societies even understood how our reality is built on knowledge (or lack of) of the truth. They called this information the “Trivium” or “Quadrivium”. This basic information on how our reality is built has been hidden from the minds and educations of an extremely large majority of people in our societies today for the purpose of control. Masters over slaves in the past knew that knowledge of the truth made men unfit to be slaves. This is not all they knew, mystics at the Delphi Oracle once inscribed that basically the only knowledge worth knowing is self knowledge: "Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods."
Emotional control:
“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.”~Unknown I find it perplexing that with the high text-book intelligence, technical skills and memorization many in our society have, most still have the emotional and psychological control of a child. By just uttering a few words I can have someone either seething in anger or running head first into battle due to their externalized attachments, and lack of self-hood. From my observations many seek the collectivism of others to feel secure and immediately use their ego when they encounter information, no matter how relevant, that goes against their comfortable box of reality. Psychology Section
Entheogen Use:
Expand your perception The best way in my experience, to expand your perception is observe and experience, then contemplate and meditate on it... ...Another way is through entheogens. This could be Psilocybin, LSD, DMT, Ketamine, Peyote, Ayahuasca, Hash, Amanita Muscaria, Salvia, 2C-I, Mescaline, and others. As mentioned in the Hallucination as a reality theory section of Chapter 5, Hallucinogens when taken properly and with intent can lead to exponential growth of perspective, mind and spirit. However they can have the inverse effect where people have bad trips and now they may live with more fear and a more narrow perspective then before. You must be properly dosed, be in a right state of mind with willful intention, preferably alone or in a small group of like-minded people, and in the proper environment. They are not something to take while partying or because others are doing them. Read more at:
Ignore the processed sugar and other foods in a kid's diet that cause hyper-activity and give them synthetic amphetamines instead. Gives them customers for life...Another reason why not to trust most doctors.
Sex Magick:
“Sexual essence, or "ching," is a powerful, vital energy that is generated continuously within the human body. Sexual drive propels the course of man's evolution biologically by transmitting the genetic lineage. Emotionally it harmonizes the love between man and woman, and spiritually provides a tangible link between the "ordinary" creative powers of man and the eternal creative process of the cosmos. Refining one's awareness of sexual energy—with or without a partner—is one of the simplest ways of humans to return to pure consciousness and experience the deepest rhythms of life.”~Taoist Secrets of Love Sex is extremely powerful and arguably the most important aspect of human nature. Sex can either liberate or enslave. There are few a different types of interpretations and practice of using sex for magic. One is the ascetic or reserved type of practice and then a libertine outlook. Both revolve around the theory that sex or sexual stimulation creates a large amount of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy between the participants. This energy can be used for multiple purposes depending on intention.... ...No matter your use of sex, whether for physical pleasure, projection of intention or spiritual development, do not feel shame or guilt. Of course do not harm others in any way (physical, mental or emotional) and remember one person’s empowerment could be another person’s exploitation or vice versa. Respect others choices as long as they are bringing no harm to others. Read more at:
The End:
"The End is never the end. A new challenge awaits. A test no man could be prepared for. A new hell he must conquer and destroy. A new level of growth he must confront himself. The machine in the ghost within. This is the journey of the man on the moon" Up Up & Away Read more at :
The Black Lodge:
“These evil sorcerers, dugpas, they call them, cultivate evil for the sake of evil and nothing else. They express themselves in darkness for darkness, without leavening motive. This ardent purity has allowed them to access a secret place of great power, where the cultivation of evil proceeds in exponential fashion. And with it, the furtherance of evil’s resulting power. These are not fairy tales, or myths. This place of power is tangible, and as such, can be found, entered, and perhaps, utilized in some fashion. The dugpas have many names for it, but chief among them is the Black Lodge...” Twin Peaks Read more at:
“The Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates. “ Everything is energy, everything is vibration. Everyone and everything is constantly getting an input of these vibration from the 5+ senses Most everyone bases reality today on empirical knowledge; that is knowledge based upon the five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. The electromagnetic spectrum gives off vibrations that we filter through our mind, conscious, body, past experiences, ego, and other mechanisms creating our reality. These senses combined with other aspects of mind/consciousness become our perspective of reality. Everyone’s reality and perspective therefore, though more or less similar, must be different. Knowing, that we can only perceive less than ~1% of the known electromagnetic spectrum, we may want to expand our definition of what reality really is. One person may be more in tune to a vibration and be able to perceive what most cannot. Our brain, mind and consciousness could be likened to a radio receiver; sometimes they could tune in to certain frequencies felt by everyone, other frequencies are more subtle and hidden. There are a number of ways to expand your perception to subtle frequencies such as meditation, entheogens, magick, natural born talent, and other experiences... Read more at:
“Coca-Cola is a sigil. The McDonalds “M” is a sigil. These people are basically turning the world into themselves, using sigils. And if we don’t reverse that process, and turn the world into *us* using sigils, we’re going to be living in fucking McDonalds.”- Grant Morrison All corporate logos, religious symbols, and military regalia are sigils. Sigils power lies in their ability to bypass many conscious filters and enter the sub-conscious. Like they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Sigils are another type of thought-form (everything is though) and can vary between Arcetypes, Eggregores, Memes, Engrams depending on how they are perceived and by the amount of people that view them. Sigils are a symbolic representation of willful intention resulting in a beneficial outcome. They can also be used evoke entities, such as from the Seals of Solomon. Another interpretation is controlling forces in the unconscious psyche of the practitioner. Kind of like a form of self-hypnosis using symbols. You can use sigils that have already been made or better yet make your own.... Again if you want something to occur: “…your intent, words and actions need to be in alignment. This is called coherence of being.” Sigils will not help if that is the only thing you do with no other tangible effort. For instance you will not get the job you want by just making sigils, you need to apply, prepare for the interview, etc. Read more at
If everything is consciousness and all is mind, and thoughts are the product of consciousness/mind, then controlling your thoughts would be very powerful. Willing your thoughts and energy toward a cause, goal or desire would undoubtedly give a better opportunity to succeed. If these same thoughts were shared by a group or of people the power would grow exponentially. The thoughts could grow into forces unto themselves becoming: Arcetypes, Eggregores, Memes, Engrams, Theocratic Bands “If you want to something to change, your intent, words and actions need to be in alignment. This is called coherence of being.” Read more at:
Materialistic Nihilism:
This is the belief system that many people have been hypnotized via propaganda into accepting. It comes in many different packages but the focus is the same: a perspective that puts material items, appearance and money above all things. These are usually, clothes, jewelry, shoes, cars and anything else that gives the illusion of wealth. It is a product of the consumer age we have been becoming more controlled by since at least the 1950’s. I call it Nihilism not in the philosophical sense of having no set beliefs, as this book in many ways adheres to that term and ideology. The key word is materialistic, as their total focus is on material things and they have no set of spiritual beliefs whether it is religious or other. They do not even have a knowledge or conviction of science or appreciation for perceived intelligence, which you see in the Atheist vs. Theist dialectic. This materialist nihilism is promoted to kids at an early age and many unfortunately become programmed by it... Read more at:
“Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.” Entertainment or Hypnotic Propaganda is there a difference in today's society? Read more at:
It has programs, in order to program the viewer. "Television is one the most effective hypnotic tools out there. It can have a huge influence on the way you think, the beliefs that you hold and consequently how your life turns out. Your subconscious mind, which carries all your memories and beliefs and makes you who you are, is directly programmed by watching television...Your mind slips into the hypnotic trance state within seconds of watching TV. This lowers your brainwaves to a lower ‘alpha state’ commonly associated with meditation and deep relaxation...Under this state of trance, your subconscious mind becomes highly suggestible and whatever information you receive from the TV becomes part of your memory pool. Since beliefs are nothing but memories, this information has the tendency to alter your beliefs or form new ones when it seeps into your subconscious mind. You might think the remote is in your hand and you’re watching the programs but, in truth, you are the one who is getting programmed..."
A primary psychological controlling paradigm is through strategic divide and conquer by using dialectics. They give you two “options” both as corrupt and flawed as the other yet making the follower believe they have absolute truth, high virtue and intelligence through ones egos and identification with the system. This week is the environment, last week was gun control, wonder what the next engineered dialectic will be. Read more at:
Don’t forget the physical realm:
There are many ways to interpret these reality theories some seemingly more negative and others more positive, it is all perspective though. No matter the theory, we do know that with the physical realm we perceive pain and suffering no matter the reason or final outcome. The physical realm is unforgiving with strict laws of cause and effect. It doesn’t help (much) to know reality is an illusion, dream, hologram or any other theory when you are hungry, hurting, tired, and thirsty. A person in pain or hungry child will get little or no comfort from you telling them it is all in their heads. Maslow’s hierarchy takes precedence to any philosophical theories or higher thought. This is necessary to keep in mind and keep in balance with this when discussing higher-minded philosophical ideas. Spiritual philosophy with no attention to matter will lead to fantasy, escapism and unpractical ideas; materialism with no attention to spiritual philosophy will lead to mammonist, materialistic nihilism (what most of the world is now). Find balance with thought, word and deed. Having this reasoning makes it critical to try to make whatever the overlying/underlying reality is, a better one for everybody, at least from my perspective. This is how I live my life, trying to show respect, love, knowledge and empathy to everyone and everything. Read more at
The Simulation:
“We are living in a computer-programmed reality, and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed, and some alteration in reality occurs. We have the overwhelming impression that we were reliving the present – déjà vu.”- Philip K. Dick Read more at:
String-less Puppets:
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”― Confucius Not all puppets wear strings on the outside, but if you know where to look you will still find them. Roc-a-Fella Records --> Rockefeller records #meme #minds #truth #esoteric #memes
Diet & Pharma Cartel
"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”~ Hippocrates It is apparent that the western diet of processed food/sugar is very unhealthy and creates a number of medical/mental issues. Of course the Masters of Manipulation engineer our food and medicine in this way to maximize profit, humiliation and suffering. There is a cartel system between the big agriculture/GMO such as Monsanto, processed food corporations, the FDA, CDC, Pharmaceuticals, Doctors, medical school education/protocol, etc. The con is simple provide poisonous, addicting food full of additives for low cost and easy convenience (fast-food), keep people ignorant of the damaging effects, over prescribe pharmaceuticals with numerous side-effects while ignoring diets, create revolving door of patients dependent on the pharmaceuticals, maximize profit by grossly inflating the cost of everything. This creates a corrupt industry driven by profit off of disease/sickness, debt, suffering and the all the energy associated with it. It keeps people from being able to reach much philosophical thought as it is hard to think, concentrate, and meditate etc when in pain from disease or pharmaceutical side effects. With so much money and power there is little incentive to actually cure anything, it is much more profitable to just treat everything... Read more at
Big Pharma Magick:
If Magick is the manipulation of energy then technology, certain sciences, and pharmacology derived from chemistry (alchemy) would fall under that definition as well. Maybe this is why some of the magicians that manipulate consciousness (invisible energy) wear black robes like Judges and Priests and why other magicians that manipulate matter (visible energy) wear white robes, like the Doctors and Scientists. Read more at: *I would change the word 'withcraft' for magick in this meme.
Truth or perspective:
Most people believe they have truth in their form of religion, lifestyle, politics, science, history, medicine, social perspective, and identity of themselves producing the chaos we see today. Conflict within people’s psyche creating mental illness and unbalances, as well as conflicts with other people, religions, and countries creating the social, economic, and racial turmoil, bringing with it poverty and war; while giving a small group of people the majority of the world’s wealth and power. Making it vital that we take a look at “truth” and more importantly the psychology, credibility, and evidence of people that claim to have it... Objectively speaking, Truth is simply what actually happened or is happening. Subjectively it can have completely different meanings and interpretations. Observation tells you someone’s point of view or perception is their reality, which means one’s version of truth will then vary accordingly. This stems the importance of knowing what and where your perception is, how it affects your reality, and if you have viewed different perspectives to see the other sides... Ream more at:
“There is only one way and that is your way. There is only one salvation and that is your salvation. Why are you looking for help? Do you believe it will come from outside? What is to come will be created in you and from you. Hence look into yourself. Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfill the way that is in you.” –The Red Book, Carl Jung Find your way, known in the East is was known as the Tao; think for yourself, create your own reality.
Dialectic Politics:
“Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations they’ve long since bought and paid for, the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them.” George Carlin
John Lilly’s Pact with Spirit explanation:
“Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.). The assignments of responsibilities from the top to the bottom of this system of control is by a set of regulations, which translated by E.C.C.O. for humans is somewhat as follows: To all humans: If you wish to control coincidences in your own life on the planet Earth, we will cooperate and determine those coincidences for you under the following conditions: 1) You must know/assume/simulate our existence in ECCO. 2) You must be willing to accept our responsibility for control of your coincidences. 3) You must exert your best capabilities for your survival programs and your own development as an advancing/advanced member of ECCO's earthside corps of controlled coincidence workers. You are expected to use your best intelligence in this service 4) You are expected to expect the unexpected every minute, every hour of every day and of every night. 5) You must be able to maintain conscious/thinking/ reasoning no matter what events we arrange to happen to you. Some of these events will seem cataclysmic/catastrophic/overwhelming: remember stay aware, no matter what happens/apparently happens to you. 6) You are in our training program for life: there is no escape from it. We (not you) control the long-term coincidences; you (not we) control the shorter-term coincidences by your own efforts. 7) Your major mission on earth is to discover/create that which we do to control the long-term coincidence patterns: you are being trained on Earth to do this job. 8) When your mission on planet Earth is completed, you will no longer be required to remain/return there. 9) Remember the motto passed to us (from GCC via SSCU): "Cosmic Love is absolutely Ruthless and Highly Indifferent: it teaches its lessons whether you like/dislike them or not." Read more at:
What are you? Are you your body? Your thoughts? The observer of your thoughts? The energy behind the observer of your thoughts? The source of the energy behind the observer of your thoughts? Something else? All, none or some of them?... Consciousness is energy. Information is energy. Everything is energy. Everything is consciousness. Consciousness is everything. You are consciousness. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only change forms....Read more at
It's all in your head:
It’s all just in your head! Of course, everything is in your head! It is how we interpret reality. Our head is where our brain is, which controls our body and senses. The brain is the seat of the mind controlled by the consciousness which is part of the spirit. Like a multi-level system of puppet strings that can be controlled by us through willful practice. Read more at:
Martial Arts-Defense of the Innocent:
“Violence is not the answer, but it’s an option”. “The best defense against evil men is good men, skilled at violence.” My empathy for someone ends where the infliction of suffering/exploitation on the innocent begins. This may sound contradictory to someone who has one of their life tenets being “live with love.” However, to explain further, imagine an innocent child (yours if you have one) being hurt by someone else, would you sit by and do nothing. What kind of love is that? Of course not, you would defend the child with everything you had. You will not have the time to analyze what the violent perpetrator is thinking, the love they are lacking and the events that lead up to that moment; any empathy for the perpetrators well being ends at beginning of the attack. If you want to ‘live with love’ then learn how to defend those that you love and the innocent. We need more warrior-philosophers, people capable and willing to use violence, but whom have a great understanding of empathy, love, gnosis, compassion, and know what exploitation looks like. We have many warriors but if they are part of military or law enforcement, no matter their personal character (good or bad), they are part of a system based on exploitation of the weak and poor by the rich and powerful. Since there is a great lack of accountability in these jobs and permission to use violence and hold power, they attract pathological personalities or create them. If people working in these fields become aware of the corrupted system they are part of, then they can help dismantle it from within, however most are not aware and just follow orders for a paycheck. We also have many philosophers and intellects that unfortunately have never trained to defend themselves and their families, and must rely on others for protection.... read more at
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. –Edward Bernays Take the example of the stage magician/illusionist who uses sleight of hand and distraction, they manipulate your senses in a way that a paranormal illusion appears to have taken place. Since this is done for entertainment we understand it is a simple manipulation and can find amusement in it, however what if we are not aware manipulation is taking place? What if instead being a manipulation of conscious senses it is a manipulation of our subconscious or both? Would you even realize the manipulation? Read more at
"Climate change" plan from the El-ites:
Step 1: Tell people impending doom is on the way, it is their fault, and we need funds to save the world Step 2: Collect Money Step 3: ... Step 4: Profit
Still waiting to hear Greta and the MSM put blame where blame is due: the transnational corporatist oligarchy and the military industrial complex, the primary polluters and destroying forces of nature. Until then, I will view this push as another engineered dialectic in order to increase taxes and eventually take away freedoms from the general populous. FYI I am an avid scuba-diver, hiker, and nature photographer that despises people/corporations that litter and destroy nature/environment. But this sudden push is an obvious infiltrating/co-opting of and manipulation of a movement.
Fluoride: The mass poisoning of people in the name of “dental hygiene” So nice of the 'government' to subsidize processed sugar then put “fluoride” in the water to supposedly help everyone prevent cavities, even if someone may have an adverse reaction to the fluoride. Most people don’t realize the Fluoride they put in your water is nothing similar to the pharmaceutical grade Sodium Fluoride in many toothpastes, which in itself can be questionable for the dental care, and definitely not meant to be swallowed. Your water is actually filled with Hydrofluorosilicic/Hexafluorosilicic acid. This is a by-product of phosphate mining: “Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, also known as FSA or HFS, is a transparent, colorless, aqueous solution that is used in a variety of applications. One of its most common uses is in the fluoridation of water. FSA is produced during the concentration of phosphoric acid in an evaporation process unique to the phosphate industry. The vapor stream from the phosphoric acid reaction is scrubbed with water to form FSA from the naturally occurring silica and fluorine in the phosphoric acid. The final product is collected, stored and tested prior to release for shipment.” So a by-product of mining, that the EU Dangerous Substance Directive has classified as Toxic and Corrosive, is dumped into your drinking water... If only people cared about things that actually mattered, rather then in things that keep you divided/conquered while they literally put poison in your water that you pay for. You can read about the other uses/warnings of this poison here:
Stupid is as stupid does:
“People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.” -Wizard's First Rule
Personally I define stupidity as arrogant ignorance, people that believe they know everything and refuse to research any thought that goes against their belief paradigm. Read more at:
95% of Baby foods contain dangerous toxic metals that can damage brain development:
Is anyone surprised? People need to realize that these types of things are far more sinister then poor regulation and corporate greed, it is the engineered destruction of the middle-class and their children, which can be observed on multiple fronts and, in this instance, is actually being covered by MSM. Our foods are one of the main places where they hide poisons to destroy the mind and body. Could this be a cause of the exponential rise in various 'mental conditions' such as autism?
Vicious Prescription Cycle:
The Pharma Cartel fraud is simple yet effective. They subsidize and promote cheap, convenient, poisonous foods, then when these cause 'ailments' after years of eating, they over-prescribe medications while ignoring the diet. These medications of course cause multiple side effects, that they then prescribe more medicine "poison" for until you eventually die- after handing over massive amounts of money in the mean time while suffering.
Control thought, word and deed: It all starts with your thoughts. Observe your thoughts and reactions from the experiences you have. Learn to control your thoughts and reactions. This can be done by many ways however the most common methods are Meditation and Contemplation. "While contemplation is a train of thought about something, meditation is training the mind to rest in a particular focus that leads to a connection to the source of consciousness itself."I like to think if meditation helps us to Know Thyself then contemplation helps us to Love Thyself. Mediation and contemplation should be balanced out, try not to over-think things, but also try not to avoid thoughts. Read more at:
“There’s messages in every game. Like Pac-man. D’you know what PAC stands for? P A C. Program and control. He’s program and control man. The whole thing’s a metaphor. He thinks he’s got free will, but really, he’s trapped in a maze, in a system. All he can do is consume, he’s pursued by demons that are probably just in his own head. And even if he does manage to escape by slipping out one side of the maze, what happens? He comes right back in the other side. People think it’s a happy game, it’s not a happy game, it’s a fucking nightmare world and the worst thing is, it’s real and we live in it. It’s all code, if you listen closely you can hear the numbers. There's a cosmic flowchart that dictates where you can and where you can't go. I've given you the knowledge. I've set you free. Do you understand?” - Bandersnatch
Fractals of Experience:
“We are all a part of one single unfurling Fractal reality. Life is about floating on the seas of turbulence, drifting on the eddies and currents, flowing, and along the way, learning: whatever that may look like for each of us currently experiencing a mortal life. Each of us (the animate and inanimate, the sentient and the purely material) is part of one inconceivably large, unfurling fractal entity that constitutes everything," Read more at:
The Maze of Consciousness/Reality:
“This is an irreal world. You realize that, I'm sure. VALIS made you realize that. We are in a living maze and not in a world at all… We are in a maze, here, which we built and then fell into and can't get out. In essence, VALIS selectively fires information to us which aids us in escaping from the maze, in finding the way out. It started back about two thousand years before Christ, in Mycenaean times or perhaps early Helladic. That's why the myths place the maze at Minos, on Crete. That's why you saw ancient Crete through the 1:.618034 doorway. We were great builders, but one day we decided to play a game. We did it voluntarily; were we such good builders that we could build a maze with a way out but which constantly changed so that, despite the way out, in effect there was no way out for us because the maze -- this world -- was alive? To make the game into something real, into something more than an intellectual exercise, we elected to lose our exceptional faculties, to reduce us an entire level. This, unfortunately, included loss of memory -- loss of knowledge of our true origins. But worse than that -- and here is where we in a sense managed to defeat ourselves, to turn victory over to our servant, over to the maze we had built --We relinquished the third eye, our prime evolutionary attribute. It is the third eye which VALIS re-opens..Then it's the third eye that gets us back out of the maze…But since we no longer remembered that we had that ajna faculty, the eye of discernment, we could not go about seeking techniques for re-opening it. Something outside had to enter, something which we ourselves would be unable to build…”-VALIS
Poisons all around:
"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons." - Read more at:
Who are the ones actually wearing a costume?
Man and nature are one, not separate entities.
Fragile Minds:
Having children and reproducing is not bad per se. The issue arises when young people have kids, and are not mature enough to realize/reflect/comprehend the importance, sanctity, amount of time, money and energy it takes to bring life into this realm. When people have kids so much of their time and energy are taken up they have little time to ever read, discover new things, meditate, contemplate, express creativity etc. It is already hard enough to work full time, cook/eat healthy, exercise and do your hobbies, with no kids. A majority of parents time is now ensuring the new life they brought into this realm succeeds, as they should. Unfortunately, some parents do not ensure or care about their child’s success. This neglect, pain, and suffering creates a vicious cycle. Many children that were abuse/neglect victims, in order escape the pain brought from their childhood, usually become attached to a base desire, resulting in addiction. These hurt people sometimes hurt other people, have children and the cycle continues. The scale can vary and sometimes they are addicted not to substances but to zealous religious denomination or a belief. They raise their children with the same propaganda attachment, ignorance and arrogance. One example is from the movie Idiocracy, where they explain that the least intelligent people have the most kids and the most intelligent people have the least kids.
Fiat Money + strong egos, ignorance and arrogance + Materialistic Nihilism + Divide/Conquer dialectics = Current Conditions
Many people when they think about self-discipline they think it is relating to exercise, eating healthy, and giving up vices/addictions like smoking. This is all true, however to make these accomplishments it must start with the real power of self-discipline; this lies in the ability and willpower to hold a thought/intention. Many do not have the self-discipline to hold a thought long enough for it to manifest. We are easily distracted by a society that is engineered to distract. You can read every self-help book and go to every life coach speaker but if you do not have self-discipline to do the necessary work, nothing will be effective. Motivation is easy to find, and is why these self-help seminars, books and life coaches are so popular. Most people get motivation from these by getting a burst of energy for a week or a month but do not have the self-discipline to make these things routines. Self-discipline is getting to the point where your willpower is the motivating factor and you need nothing else to make you focus and exert your effort toward something. It must come within the self hence the term self-discipline. One definition is “Self-discipline means the action of consistently doing something in regular time. So, if you have great willpower, you can attain self-discipline easily.” Read more at:
You are what you eat:
Be aware of the foods you eat and the possible chemicals you ingest, if you do not or cannot eat organic (which can sometimes be questionable itself); then research into the "Dirty Dozen/Clean 15" produce that could benefit health.
HALLOWEEN AND THE GNOSTIC MYSTERIES : Halloween (All Hallow’s Even or “the holy evening”) is celebrated October the 31st, forty days after the Autumnal Equinox on September 21st. The symbolic “forty days” are known in all ancient religions, just as everything else about Halloween comes from esoteric traditions. In this image, we see Jonah and his pumpkin gourd: one of the sources of the Halloween symbolism. “The light has to shine in us in order see what we have within, and for that we have to put a candle in the middle of our brain. We need to put the light there, and that light is precisely related to our own particular Ruach Elohim that is always hovering upon the face of our sexual waters of chastity. “By learning how to sublimate the sexual energy towards our brain, the Ruach Elohim (which the bible named Abraham, Chesed, the Spirit that everybody has within) makes light in us. Chesed means mercy. When Chesed, the Ruach Elohim starts floating above the creative waters, our sexual waters of creation, is when Elohim says, "Let there be light” in our heads and the light shines in our pumpkin. Then, when the light is illuminating our brain, it is when we start seeing monsters, our own evil creations. “When people enter into this doctrine they all of a sudden feel tired of being attacked by devils, monsters, vampires, thus, they state that this doctrine is no good. What they do not realize is that the attacks that often they are receiving and seeing is their the outcome of their own creation. They see their own negativity: the demons that they carry in their minds. Understand, when God begins making light in the darkness, we are the darkness; when God says, "let there be light” it is then when we start seeing what we really are.“ - Halloween, Jonah, & the Gourd
"The eight-circuit model of consciousness:
is a hypothesis by Timothy Leary, and later expanded on by Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli, that "suggested eight periods [circuits] and twenty-four stages of neurological evolution. The eight circuits, or eight "brains" as referred by other authors, operate within the human nervous system, each corresponding to its own imprint and direct experience of reality." Read more at:
Major media destroys information, we get corporate bribery and elitism in the form of democracy, ,propaganda and lies in the form of news and so on and so forth.
Cosmic Trigger:
If you are new (or experienced) to esoteric/occult, conspiracy or metaphysical topics and want an easy to read explanation and history of many these subjects, check out the book 'Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of The Illuminati' here at this link: “Belief in the traditional sense, or certitude, or dogma, amounts to the grandiose delusion, "My current model" -- or grid, or map, or reality-tunnel -- "contains the whole universe and will never need to be revised." In terms of the history of science and knowledge in general, this appears absurd and arrogant to me, and I am perpetually astonished that so many people still manage to live with such a medieval attitude.” ― Robert Anton Wilson
The war on drugs is actually a war on consciousness, under the guise of greed and corruption and always has been; it has never been for the health or well-being of individuals or society.
The Golden Rule:
Let us think about the Golden Rule philosophy and what the possible consequences are, considering they call it a rule and not a suggestion. Is it possible that instead of the effects and belief systems of sin or karma happening; what if,when we die, do we experience all the pains and pleasures we have bestowed on others-insect, animal and human? What would your experience be like if this was so? Pleasant and enjoyable or harsh and cruel? What if you live through the eyes of the supposed “other” to see how your actions felt? After all, we seem to be one consciousness experiencing itself subjectivity/individually (In divine duality).... Read more at:
This is an interpretation of a historical flow chart of magick systems/organizations from Liber Null. I suggest to study all of them and do not become attached to any of them. *IOT= Illuminates of Thanateros*
Anton Wilson Interpretation:
“All statements are true in some sense , false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.” THE PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA Read more:
A dream is a not an illusion and it feels very real. It feels real until you know you are dreaming. Once you realize this you can shape the dream and make it lucid. Read more at:
"People individually are smart but in groups are stupid" Think for yourself Question
Formula used on most of the world
Fiat Money Magick:
When the trolls start attacking you know you are doing something right. I encourage discourse and debates, if it is done in a rational, articulate way. However if trolls (not even good ones) are just going to rage spam pictures then make some incoherent ramblings with no logical structure or premise, it is easier to just to block them, and they can fill out the form below. I find it interesting that people think I hold attachments to the ideas/topics I post and do they really think they are 'hurting my feelings' or offending me by troll attacks.(?) Actually it is just projection of someone with negative character traits/repressions and a defense mechanism of their large egos and weak minds. “In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.”-Buddha Anyways kids, if you want to see what real trolling with a cause (not rage spamming) looks like check out Discordianism:
"...the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards,and they have this pride in this thing that they’ve built—they’ve built their own prison—and so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners. And as a result they no longer have—having been lobotomized—the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made or even to see it as a prison.”- My Dinner With Andre
Listen to the Birds:
Selling Yourself:
"People get used to anything. The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows. After a while, people just think oppression is the normal state of things. But to become free, you have to be acutely aware of being a slave."- Assata
Sales and buying things aren't bad, however peoples mammonism and materialism can be. Think before you buy, question everything.
For Trolls:
Walter Russell's 'vortex science'
Is circumcision just male genital mutilation disguised as religious/cultural tradition?
Where the Holiday gifts really come from:
Very little is talked about the Electrical pollution that bombards almost all of us 24/7 and the effects on mental, physical, and even cellular health. 'It is electromagnetic-field (or EM-field) energy emanating from electrical wiring. In most places, the majority of this energy exists at 60 Hz (hertz), resulting from the AC (alternating current) that constantly flows in the utility wiring outdoors, indoors, and inside common appliances.'
Wishful thinking
Many issues with hyperactivity and short attention spans in children are due to diet, yet usually ignored by both parents and doctors.
The Pharma cartel propaganda explained:
"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off"
Are you the Art or the Artist?
The reality as we know it is purposely engineered to create stress, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, etc. in humanity as we all struggle to make ends meet. The constant debt, work, consumption, traffic, stress, hardships and the daily grind- all purposely created....
When the veil falls and our overlords show themselves
Viktor Schauberger was an Austrian forest caretaker, naturalist, parascientist, philosopher, inventor and biomimicry experimenter. Schauberger developed his own ideas based on what he observed in nature.
In the beginning was the Logos (word), and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.
We are bio-electric bodies/consciousness, that consists of the fractal patterns of electricity in different forms, alternating between energy and matter. Energy seems to manifest itself into matter by way of fractals, showing that nature is intelligent in some type of way.
A vast majority of people you meet will have no interest in any type of thought that makes them question their programming/ conditioning paradigm, no matter the subject. Most will become defensive and will scoff at you if you bring up any type of theories or philosophy that goes against their 'boxed-in' perspective. When I first began to realize everything we have been told is a lie and nothing is at is seems, was 12 or so years ago, I tried to tell people of what I had discovered with many well-written and researched website sources, videos, books etc. I found out this causes more 'conflict' then it does help 'wake' people. It was hard on me at first but then I began to realize it is only my perspective, mind, will, being, and actions that I can control, and I will spend my energy mastering that. The Gnostics have a term for these type of people that become defensive/ shut-down when any theoretical/ philosophical subject came up, calling them Hylics or Somatics, basically robots. The Matrix movie does a good job portraying this with Agent Smith being able to possess anybody that wasn't 'awake' yet, but I digress. A buffer conversation to start any type of philosophical thought, that I use to see how far I can take someone down the rabbit-hole, is talking about the Federal Reserve. If they know about it's corruption and fiat money magick then you can lead into occult/ esoteric subjects, alternative energy, alternative economies, etc. If they are not interested, this can be dismissed as political rhetoric and never talked about again. My advice is do not worry about if other people care about this or any information and make no attempt to convert or persuade, it will do more harm than good a vast majority of the time. It is up to the individual to think for themselves and question everything, like they say 'You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.'
Entheogens when taken properly and with intent can lead to exponential growth of mind and spirit. The inverse to this is they can also lead to bad trips, where instead of growing we regress and our minds come out weaker than before and can carry trauma/fear. Just like anything, much comes down to our own preparation (dosage), environment, perception, intent, desire and will.
Gnostic Hologram link to more detailed information:
"The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by governments."~ Ludwig von Mises
The System:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
The most dangerous psychopaths are not in the street, they are in executive offices and government buildings
33 Gnosis
33 vertebrae in the human spine
33 infamous Degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry
33 is, according to the Newton scale, the temperature at which water boils.Also the last degree before water freezes with the Fahrenheit scale.
The number of deities in the Vedic Religion is 33
The second level of heaven in Buddhism is named Trāyastriṃśa, meaning "of the 33 (gods)."
Christ was crucified/ resurrected at 33 years old
The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis
The Christ in the Gospels accomplishes 33 miracles of which 24 were cures.
Number of days following the circumcision of the foreskin of the child where the mother had to purify her blood, according to the law of Moses. She did not have to touch nothing of sacred and not to go to the sanctuary until 33 days have been passed. (Lv 12,4-8)
David reigned 33 years to Jerusalem. (1 Ch 3,4)
Jacob had from his first woman Leah 33 children, by counting his daughter, his son and his grandsons. (Gn 46,15)
The 33 litany of angels.
The number 33 is used 6 times in the Bible.
In the Bible, 33 numbers are multiple of 11 and 33 others are multiple of 18. Five books of the Bible use the number 33. In the NT, seven chapters have 33 verses and 33 numbers written in their form cardinal are multiple of 12. The sum of the occurrences of all numbers of the Bible multiple of 19 gives 33.
The word parable is found 48 times in the four Gospels. By deducting these texts the parallel passages, the total number of different employment is reduced to 33. The words cross and devil are used 33 times in the NT and the word sickness, 33 times in the OT. The words language, fast, tribulations, miracle and the verb to blaspheme are used 33 times in the Bible.
Lastly the divine trinity (3) of original thoughts that brought about “creation” which was then mirrored/ reflected creating the realm we are in now. The twin eagle heads/ twin 3's relate back to the hologram of overlapping realms symbolized more commonly via the Vesica Piscis, as both Eagles/ Circles/ 3's originate from same source/ body.
“It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed."... "Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.” -- Ram Dass Enjoy the further realms of existence Ram Dass, his book 'Remember Be Here' helped me years ago when I first began my awakening. PDF Book Link:
The thought of a thought thinking itself:
As within, so without:
The Chromatic Circle:
The harmonial relation between music, geometry and mathematics, planets and the zodiacal signs.”
PDF Book ➝ Psycho-harmonial philosophy. 1910 :
Biblical Interpretation:
He replied, “The knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, ‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’"-Bible
Meeting of Divinities:
Black Iron Prison:
"The Black Iron Prison is a concept of an all-pervasive system of social control postulated in the Tractates Cryptica Scriptura, a summary of an unpublished Gnostic exegesis included in VALIS. The Empire is a psychological as well as a military state. It exists as a mental construct, as a psychopathic state of mind, as a system of control. It exists in all of us. All of us are infected with this thought-form virus. This is the true meaning of "The Empire." It's what Philip K Dick means when he says, The Empire Never Ended." - CJ Stone
Conscious Hierarchy:
Nothing is true, everything is possible. Think for yourself, question everything.
We have replaced science with corporate funded clinical research and Scientism. Bonus rabbit hole, Epstein's involvement with the Scientism powerhouse organizations.
Gnostic Thoughts:
The wise ones said: We will hide the secrets of the Universe in the heart of man. It is the only place where most will forget to search."
From the Asterix comic book with a villain being named Coronavirus...The Empire never Ended:

Like!! Great article post.Really thank you! Really Cool.
style a skylight
Fade In had snaked a look at the notebook Spoiler stole and planned his evening around it.
The address took him to a quiet area of the docks. There’s another delivery coming, this advice one big, And how it is because of him Cluemaster, Well Damian is certainly not sure. the girl in purple he still doesn’t know her name wasn’t much help. As cagey as they was, Neither had been ready to give up much.
He was convinced she’d be there, But he’d have some extra support of the technological kind. Oracle, One of his father’s allies had been given the internet and asked to do her ‘magic’. What her bond with his father was, Or furthermore her very intense history by doing this sort of thing, Was isolated on him. All he knew is that she had his father’s trust and that was well enough for him.
The warehouse being used was once a factory down the middle of Gotham. In more beneficial times, This building shipped out Gotham made goods out to Europe and south america. also city’s economy, the dwelling had been abandoned.
previously, Looking down while using skylight, Damian colleagues. there are certainly scores of men, Filling inside and out and a dozen large containers. Forklifts. More crates rather than a kid can count. this is certainly quite a big operation.
“The cameras happen to set, Ibn al Xu’ffasch mutters straight to his com. “Oracle, were you on,
Oracle is certainly, As familiar, from a Clocktower. She’s agreed to help Damian with this operation and is waiting for him to place cameras so she can see the concept of play. As the com crackles to life whilst update, She assessments the feeds. “yes indeed, i’m also on,
Spoiler your ex in EGGPLANT is there, Perching on a roof regional, Her blue eyes watching the bins. She smiles, expectancy rising in the young woman, As she leaps from your house, Swinging her way across the gap to land on top in a crouch. The skylight because now, Her blue eyes narrow and she steps ahead, Her face to face her hips, Her masked face as low as pleased. “you can. Is there something about being a Robin that means you will need meddle and get into everything, Snark, And upset snark at that, As she smoothies her head, The blonde hair escaping in the cape.
unaware to Oracle, The thought in Damian’s ear, Spoiler leans ahead of time, Watching the game through the skylight. “You might be useful. i guess, She is designed with a look, Her eyes narrowing, combining, “I’m one particular Spoiler,
Bruce Banner knows nothing of the particulars of the goings on here, But they actually do seem to be keeping bodies busy busy and distracted. The crates from HALO Biomed are sitting in a neglected corner of the warehouse, Diverted there by Bruce slipping into the invoice system and just inverting a very few numbers. Within were the components for a hazmat safe, federal government grade centrifuge, taking and filtering devices. toss in some gene sequencing tech, the amount of thing that might help you identify, testify to the fact, The genes that cause your body to react to gamma radiation by mutating into a gigantic apocalypse monster instead of a tumor in your brain, And it was Christmas as far as Bruce was being considered.
Stealing the forklift was going to be the hard part.
Bruce is clad in a pair of jeans and an MIT hoodie that makes him feel like he’s betraying CalTech in deep and heavy ways. continue to be, Better the undercover dress. A baseball cap and sun glasses add enough disguise to hopefully hide his face, Not that anyone without proper security classifications even knew what it looked like. He crouches decrease and ponders, Having not figured on all the activity. quite likely illegal. Not his trade. But he wasn’t going to have a later date before the paperwork ‘mistake’ was corrected and this stuff was taken far, distant.
Lunair doesn’t really know what’s happening. ultimately. What she does know is that picking off mobsters and such is immensely productive. Or that it’s sound practice. most likely the second, Since she’s backed down on the killing things for profit front. because, And she’s disovered the catlike joy of overall torment. naked, Twerking Triad? associated with. more often than not there’s glitter involved. It’s horrific. Like crafting ebola poor.
But Armory is clad in gray, Sleek armor that looks ripped out of a product like Metal Gear Rising. Eat your emotions out, laws of thermodynamics. She’s perched nearest, Watching people appear and disappear. hmmm.
Fantomex isn’t really very interested in the gun running business. He makes his or her own guns, And really he isn’t selling. Or looking for. But occasionally he is stealing, Because some weapons are great, And artsy, And worth a food source.
therefore, There is a gun smuggler here featuring a very valuable handgun in his possession. Rumored to have belonged to a world war Two super villain. is it possible Baron Strucker, Or that old Zemo. Likely an incorrect rumor, But the gold plated handgun is still worth lots of money and Fantomex has expensive tastes.
So he has looked at the warehouse for a few hours. And now that things are starting to move, There seems to be a fair number of people around that (Like himself) Probably really should not on the rooftops. He should probably just leave and wait for better, Less hard moment. But Fantomex lacks any trace of common-sense, And he is having thoughts, So he sneaks forward to intercept those colorful clad kids that are doubtlessly going to an issue interesting.
“Your blonde hair. It’s incredible. really show it more, the boy wonder says to Spoiler, Picking an odd place for a enhance. He unsheathes his katana from his back and gets ready to jump through the skylight. “it is possible call me Ibn al Xu’ffasch, Since I imagine you’ll have trouble with calling me by /his/ name, He discussions, which, however it is not to Spoiler. The test is for Oracle, “Let me know you probably have the lights ready. We may wish to cut them right after we break through,
What and how dreadful do what she can is a mystery to Damian, But he’s been told there is definitely few limits to her powers. at this instant, away at Spoiler, “Let’s go make our self useful,
He takes a leaping step off the ledge down on skylight, Kicking downward in reference to his heels just as he strikes the glass, Shattering it wonderfully as he descends downward, Cape diverse.
“If product,for the air conditioning ask me to tell you when I’m ready, You might want to wait before you act next time Oracles tone is sharp “great, I’m serious” As Damian breaks with skylight, Oracle flicks a switch on the panel in advance of her the lights in the warehouse immediately go dark.
The look at Damian is startled and one of Spoiler’s hands rise to the touch her hair, “I something? Are [url=]dating a spanish girl[/url] you really hitting on me now? And no way would I phone you Robin, He is my trailing off, She sits back on her heels, Her eyes thinning at him above her mask. “Alphabet soup it’s, Snark and she looks behind her, gaining, “Who’re you actually talking to, then he is leaping and she follows him, shattering the remains of the glass, aiming to land on a soft thing, an, Her booted feet propelling a man forward onto the floor, in the same manner the lights go out.
Bruce Banner naturally ducks and drops behind a box as he hears the breaking glass and the building goes dark. also, phenomenal. a particular raid. cops? DEA? as well as, along with, His worst problem, cover? no idea. in timing of the lights and the glass breaking, planned, they know what they’re doing.
With kinds species of goonage reacting in their goony ways, Bruce tries to avail yourself, Moving at a quick crab walk over to among the list of forklifts, “Please are supported by the keys, Please were designed for the keys, yep, she mutters.
adequately. That was astonishing. Lunair didn’t figure there’d be so equipment. coming on in. meanwhile, you can’t swing a dead mafioso without hitting like, 5 super heroes of some flavor or another (Ask about our low-calorie heroes! For the burden conscious super villain. Now with authentic katana flavor). She decides to move in at the smashing glass, Her helmet providing one particular internal night vision or lighting. difficult to say, this does not glow. But as well as explain why the visor is down.
And now you must for attack formation JUSTICE. aka: Lunair will have to amuse herself. type in the Nudity Ray. many now naked, Horrified goons who somehow find inexpensive scenery to hide behind.
illumination out? my dear. you’ll discover clever people involved here. Clever and likely online men and women. Fantomex can see in the [url=]hot spanish girls[/url] dark pretty much, But he imagines the goon squad is commencing happy fun chaos mode.
A mental nudge is delivered to EVA, His zooming saucer/autonomous brain, search the nets for that hacker. And the white clad thief hurries up to catch up with Damian and Spoiler. merely because, stifling a gangster meeting by crashing through windows how you do it in Gotham.
Damian’s katana glints in the moonlight as thoughs he pieces at scream in agony. His lenses are set to night vision, Giving him an unfair advantage to those attempting to obtain away. “Fair key, Oracle, Damian mutters toward his comlink. “He’s a what, He asks Spoiler as he continues to fight through fools and idiots. “regular repairs boy.