'The term Logoi Library comes from the Greek word Logoi. The LOGOS is the centre of all the logoi, i.e. the divine acts of will that are eternally conceived but expressed at the moment of creation. Through the logoi a well-ordered cosmos is instituted. The logoi are the principles behind procession creation and transmutation, and behind the metaphysical structure. Logoi and Logos have many different interpretations such as meaning Logical or λογικόσ as intelligent which is closely tied to the Logos, reason or logic of existence. To simply translate the word as logical is however inadequate. This is due to the term having a closer meaning to the aptitude or intellect and qualifies the possessor of spiritual knowledge or Gnosis. When used in conjunction with the soul or psyche the word then translates as endowed with intelligence. Intelligence itself as the ruling principle of the soul.'
"The Logos would be living information, capable of replicating.Replicating not through information/in information, but as information....As living information the plasmate travels up the optic nerve of a human to the pineal body."-VALIS
I am someone just trying to figure everything out, be the best version of myself and manifest the Logos into this realm. This site is dedicated to the sharing of information for free, educational/ Gnosis purposes. If something is misquoted or not sourced correctly please let me know via the Blog comments or email.
The Invisible College : We are no one, we are everyone, and we are invisible.
"The order of the Logos, the true Rosicross, does not have a visible or tangible organization in the physical world, it does not have a physical temple; this only exists in the superior worlds.... The true Rosicrucian Order that the Logos has established upon the face of the Earth does not have any visible organization, it does not dictate courses by correspondence, nor does it collect fees, nor does it have juridical personality, nor does it have internal or external statutes. Their members are not even acquainted with each other in this physical world. They might be acquainted with each other in the superior worlds, yet in this physical world they very seldom, very seldom encounter each other." S.A Weor
Extended post on meaning of Logoi
"In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God." John 1:1
Compiled and Manifested by: LoKe~KeLo